Just started window cleaning and was requested to bid for a number of grocery stores. Winning this will change the game for the company. Would anyone be willing to help. Sometimes going back and forth on here is slow and I can’t really get the clarity I could in a phone call. If you’re comfortable talking with me on the phone PM me for my details. Nothing weird I’m 21 and need help from you who are experienced in this industry. Please help me.
Hey Joshua don’t over think it, this link you’ve been posting in
Answered a lot of your questions.
Just a piece of advice don’t get hyper focused on this one account there is a ton of glass that should be cleaned out there
Keep hunting for new accounts…
Yeah don’t stress too much. You know how to price residential so you know what your time is worth on average. So give a quote that you think will be worth your time and possibly offer a small discount if they give you all the stores. Have in mind what you’re worth and don’t go below that.
Often a prospective customer will go with a cleaner with a higher bid rather than the cheapest guy because of the confidence the higher price suggests. They realize that you must charge more for a reason. Because you guarantee perfect work. Your confidence when quoting them will say all of that.
Stressing over this one isn’t worth it. Generally stores get charged less than residential’s because the amount of detail needed on residential is far more than a store.
BUT - you have to charge what it is worth to you. Stores go quicker than a home. You are looking at the fronts of freezer doors too. After the first two or three you will get in a rhythm and knock them out quickly.
Being new in the business you WILL make mistakes. You WILL under bid and you WILL over bid until you land on a price balance that grows your business, both quantity of jobs and quality of jobs.
If you are totally unsure of where to start on pricing then there is no shame in telling the Manager or who ever is hiring you that you are a new start up business and your price is subject to change if you find that you have priced it poorly.
Do not confuse poor pricing with inexperience at the job. Read that twice…
The first time out you will be slow, you will make mistakes, you will hate your inexperience and things won’t always go as planned. You will get better.
No one has a magic paragraph of advise to give to you. Much of what you have asked has been answered already the best that it can be. Step away and find something that relaxes you, then come back and calmly read over all the input you have been given, maybe even take a pad of paper and bullet point some of the advise, then whittle that down to a manageable bit of information to move forward with.
Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
If not this customer than the next. That is just the nature of the business.
It’s a numbers game. Requires high visibility
How do you price cooler/freezer doors? Same as a window? Less?
High enough that they never ask me again. Lol