Introduction - Hey there!

Hey there, my name is Edgar and after being recommended to start a window cleaning business by Keith on Youtube, I jumped in. With nothing in hand, I went into the storefronts to prospect, and after loads of rejections, and a whole lot of, “I can do this” I got my first 5-pound customer. Though small, it made me realize you just need to make the right offer to the right person at the right time when they need it. If one could hone in on that, you could get infinite pancakes. Great to be here, and hope to add value to you all.


Hello and welcome!

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Welcome to the club! Did you set that job as recurring?


Would this be Keith Kalafas?

…How hard can window cleaning be???
Go learn the trade from a professional company in your area, you tube is like learning karate from a book.


Thank you!! Yes it was for once in every fortnight.

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I cannot tell you, how things would have been so different if I had taken your advice earlier bahaha. That’s exactly what I was doing cries.