Is there a way to send private messages to members of the forum?
Currently there is not. It was removed couple of months ago. It may or may not return. @Chris will this feature come back?
That’s correct.
Ok, I have the voxer app. What is your screen name? Is it wcs? I clicked your link, but it says page doesn’t exist.
You found it!
You can use Facebook Messenger for me. Just search for Malcolm Brown, Homer, Alaska.
Kinda seems a little silly people can’t PM, I have received a few PMs in my time here, but I personally don’t care, coz if i’m gonna call you out it will be public as I expect it myself haha
I’m kinda glad the PM feature has been phased out. The vast majority of messages I receive as MOD are complaints about other members.
maybe its a good thing then, I’m sure a few of those complaints were about me
You can reach me via smoke signal, but you have to use the Crownpoint NM exchange. Or my geocities webpage.
I agree!
So, if I want to private message another member, I just flag one of their posts, give you the message and you’ll pass it on?
Perhaps more Mods are needed to help out. @wcs @SqueegeeNinjaNJ
I only have PMs once a month