Is there anything wrong with my technique?

lol. Sorry, I misread.

“miserly”… that made me smile :slight_smile:

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Lol no better word to describe him. But that’s how you make money I guess.

Well I mean I change my rubber when it needs to be changed, doing 85% residential all my customers homes are less than 20 years old, with rubber seals, so no rough edges to tear up the rubber.
Generally I get about 5 days from 1 side, if it starts to wear faster obviously I change it earlier but on average if its still got a square edge and if its not leaving streaks, and it still has good glide on the glass then its good to leave it.

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If you’re doing ONLY residential you might be able to get a week out of a rubber… maybe 2 if you’re not doing that many houses.

On route work, the longest I’d be able to get is 2 or 3 days (if I had houses during those routes). But for hardcore route, might as well change it every day

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Yeah, I will concede to @Steve076 and @JaredAI there are times/situations that can prolong changing…

But 2 weeks just seems like a long time, in my pea brain.

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When I think about it I only change my sorbo rubber every 2 months or so, but that’s a 22" so only gets used on large doors or on commercial. I have 1 commercial fortnightly job (160) panes or so the usage is quite minimal, that might change since I just picked a car yard monthly.

The main reason I would have to change my sorbo rubber, was because my old gunslinger had torn stitching and was rubbing on the rough edge, I have replaced taht now.

At the end of the day how often you will need to replace your rubbers will depend on several factors including care and storage, type of frame, age of window/frame, hard debris/staining on glass and the main factor in degradation to rubbers would be using them on non glass surfaces, like frames, tiles lucabond and so on.

I find when every I see a janitors squeegee or a home owners squeegee the edge is always round, not square.

I generally do 2-3 houses per day, zero storefront.

Yes 2 weeks sounds like a lot to me also. and how much glass in that 2 weeks is the million dollar question. :thinking: