Got this little beauty at Harbor Freight for $3.99 + the government VIC.
It comes in handy for residential interiors. Fits in the tote, reduces the need for a ladder and a longer pole inside.
Got this little beauty at Harbor Freight for $3.99 + the government VIC.
It comes in handy for residential interiors. Fits in the tote, reduces the need for a ladder and a longer pole inside.
That is great handywork, what was the purpose of adding the PVC pipe and then reattaching the tip?
my guess is a size issue, the pvc being customizable.
Were you sawing right over your son??
Thanks jhans,
Yes, cactus27 is correct.
The outside diameter of the pipe (handle) is about 3/32" smaller than the inside diameter of the replacement tip. The 1/2" PVC fit perfectly.
It’s a bit of a homage to Herman Wieland.
No, I was trying to get a better angle for the camera. I’m just holding the saw with my left hand. He stepped between me and the vise while I was taking the picture.
I’m all about the diy but what about these 4’ - 2 section poles? Should be about 30" collapsed.
Yes, I looked at those. I was wanting something under 24"…really I was wanting something under 18" when collapsed to comfortably fit in my wife’s house tote. For me, long poles, ladders, and step-stools slow me down inside the homes. I am a bull in a china shop sometimes.
I used to have a short pole, 12" collapsed and 24" extended, not sure but I think it was made by Unger.(we’re talking fifteen years ago) I could carry it in my tote, bucket, or even my back pocket. But, it had the threaded plastic tip and you had to screw a wood cone on the end and the plastic tip would break. This little pole was a time saver for touch-ups…reduced ladder/step-stool usage a lot.
Also, if you don’t count time invested, I have less than $10 invested in it.