So i just quit my full time job about 3 days , I was a maintenance supervisor before i started my own company, i did the company for part time for about a year ( to grow it)…it finally got to the point where I didnt have time for my full time job, even though i dont make as much with window cleaning as a did with my full time job, but i had to take the plunge. Now I have 2 months to at least double my monthly income…I need some helpful hints…I guess the best plan is to get more commercial (because it is steady money unlike residential where it is on and off)…let me know your thoughts and any advice is helpful thanks.
Chase all three - residential, store front, commercial. What you do not land with one you probably will with one or both of the others. Get it done.
Good job. Now the ball will really get rollin.
Is this because it was part time ? I sure hope now that your full time you are ?
In all honesty with one days worth of window cleaning you should of been grossing more per day than a regular job. Unlesss you had some really high paying Job.
I’m planning to quit my full time job come February or March…I could probably do that now and not have any regrets, but I want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row. Plus I’m getting married in September…in the Philippines…so the extra money I am making is going to pay for that right now.
I’m jealous though…I wanna jump in with both feet in the worst way!..good luck to you!
You just put all your chips on the table. That means you believe in the potential of your company. Customers will sense that level of self confidence and commitment and will appreciate doing business with you.
Now get some more customers!
congrats! I quit my full time Nov. 16 and haven’t missed it for one day! I haven’t grown as fast as I could, but from what what I have learned is spend alot of time on here getting tips, and then try all three avenues of income as another poster said. also, when canvassing for store fronts you can mention you do houses. I have gotten a few nice houses from my business customers. you won’t know what really works in your area until you get out and spend a good number of hours acquiring customers. I have found that what works for me and the way i want to structure my business is usually store fronts that are small business or franchise owned. I’ve had almost no luck with Corp stores. I also get about 5% of the stores I visit. houses have mostly come by referal from businesses or other houses I have done. If you show up on your given day, do a good job every time, and be nice and personal when talking with your customers there will likely be few other window washers that will match that in your area and it will only be a matter of time after many hours of building your business that you will see some good traction. there are few business like window washing that are so easy to build with such a high chance of success as long as basic best practices are used. best of luck!
Personally cut all unnecessary bills/spending and invest in your company and self.
My best advice would be to spend a weekend and make some plans for the year. You’ve got to make sure that you get what you want out of this new business. It’s a great opportunity!
Make a personal budget. You don’t have the security of a regular pay check, make sure your home spending is in order. You will have times when you earn more/less than you expected
Make a business plan, even if it’s very simple. Google will help
Make a business budget. Larger expenses like equipment upgrades, advertising, need planning for in advance. A budget will reduce stress and get you to your goals faster
just came across this post…I’m close to doing the same thing…the money I am making from my business exceeds what I make at my full time job on a weekly basis.
I think there comes a point in time where you just have to go for it…put your heat and soul into the business…live it and breathe it…and let the chips fall where they may.
You’re losing money by going to “work” Lol.
You could not be more correct in that statement…!!
And Dare I say, your piece of the market share… Go get whats yours
I am putting my two weeks notice in next week. My living expenses are low (~$250/week) with cuts hey will be even lower. I will be able to devote my prime hours every day to advertising and working.
Congrats bro. Personally, I’ve decided to wait one more year. Good luck!!!