Know your glass

Ever wondered of the official description of the different glasses?
Here seems to be a good explanation of what is out there.

All about glass

Self cleaning glass

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I’m sure it’s a very informative article, but my pet peeve is the fact that they’re perpetuating a very common misconception. Glass is not a liquid. It’s an amorphous solid. The only time it ‘flows’ (even very slowly) is when heat is applied. (I know a lot of guys here will want to jump in and defend the conventional wisdom, but please do some deeper research first. It’s some pretty interesting stuff)

But I always do appreciate the articles you post, @Garry

I don’t think the article states that glass is a liquid. Actually a quote from the article - Glass is defined as “a hard, brittle, amorphous, usually transparent or translucent material consisting typically of silica.”

And later in that paragraph:

I guess It’s really a matter semantics. They appear to contradict themselves in the wording of that entire paragraph. Depending on whose definition you use, it could be considered a liquid, a solid, or something in-between- and it seems like they couldn’t make up their minds on which definition to use when writing that article.

But using the word ‘liquid’ reinforces the idea that the glass will eventually flow into a different shape. The reality is that maybe 10 billion years from now, a pane of glass will be a few atoms thicker at the bottom than it is today…

Yea, I wonder if they are trying to refer to glass as it is being made as some sort of liquid? Which it is actually molten material. Anyhow, that was a poor reference in the article, but a lot of other good information to be gleaned from it.

Great articles! I love this kind of info. The one site had a link with an interesting explanation of low-e glass too:

Yes, I think it is great that this topic encourages people to look deeper into the industry that we work in. Not just the aspect of showing up and cleaning glass, but understanding it’s properties too!

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I just know if a glass says old castle, then I immediately hate the builder.


Dang you mean I/We should understand what we are working on or with too…

…what a drag man… :wink:

Keep posting articles Garry " they make people think"

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Worked on a house last week with Old Castle. Took my time and hoped for no noisy glass.

Old castle I’d the worst!
