Just curious how many of you are like me and pack your truck in the evening.
Do you pack your truck in the morning, the night before, or a little of both?
- Morning prep
- Evening prep
- Both
0 voters
Just curious how many of you are like me and pack your truck in the evening.
Do you pack your truck in the morning, the night before, or a little of both?
0 voters
I always have a smoother morning when I’ve prepped the night before. But for some reason it’s so easy to procrastinate at the end of the day, lol.
I split it 50/50 since I’m too paranoid to leave tools in my truck overnight. (no garage)
I do make sure all my towels and tools are clean and sorted, ready to go in the evening. Then when morning comes it only takes about 5 minutes to load up.
I usually have the van packed and my invoices made out the night before. Sometimes I do it Mondays, after the weekend as it only takes 10+ minutes or so to load.
But I do check two or three times in the evening that I didn’t forget to lock it because scumbags can’t keep their hands off things that don’t belong to them.
I’m on my first job by 5:30am, so I have to get everything set the nite before. I can barely string a coherent sentence together that early, much less load a truck…
I get everything ready for the next day as soon as i get home. I usually print invoices right before bed. In the morning i get the rags and mop that i hung to dry the night before, my vac battery if i needed to charge it, my stacks, and my pure water system if I’m using it that day. Wish i had a van so i could leave more stuff inside and save some time.
I also prep breakfast and pack lunch the night before.
all my tool stuff is in the van, schedule invoicing etc on my phone with tcf. no packing unpacking unless it’s laundry day.
That’s my ideal scenario.
Too brain dead and bone tired after doing my swing shift janitorial to prep at night but I always haul used rags and anything odorous out of the van.
During winter ice and darkness I don’t unload/load anything heavy, not taking any chances on slipping and damaging me or my equipment. Exception is anything that can get damaged by freezing.
I definitely try to pack in the evening but was too tired today. Gonna have to be in the am
Aim to prep at night, but nearly always put it off until the morning. End up in a mad scramble to get everything together and show up to my 8:00 at 8:09 claiming that it was either a tractor on the road, frozen door locks on the truck, or immigrants, that made me late.