Low Flow From customers’ water

Here in Utah we usually have horrible water pressure from the hose hookups. Im looking for the best solution to add onto my Xero Pure JR. I want to say it is RHG’'s water pump. What i have been doing on almost every house is having to change my DI tank and run it DI only, which sucks because the JR’s tank is so small and I have to change it quite often because of how hard the water is. Any way shoot me in the right direction on which pump or system works best for you guys. Thanks.

This is what I use for my xero pure:

It’s decent, does the job.

It sounds like you want a van system.


Fenster, I do residential 95% of the time so that wouldn’t really make sense to spend that amount of money when I could just hook something up to the house. But thank you!

Sweet thanks Mathew. That’s what I was looking for.

It makes a lot of sense … If you can carry a big enough tank you will save time. Time is money !
Just flip a switch and go , if your 95% residential why doesn’t that make sense ?


Van system doesn’t have to cost a ton. I have a 55 gallon tank, a 12v pump, controller, and a deep cycle battery, plus hose and reel. All in, I’m well under $1000, for something that probably saves me that much or more in labor every year. And you could easily piece something together for much less.

I also save on resin costs, since water quality is so much better at my house than at many of my customers’ homes.


I’ll have to look into it, it’s something I would definitely love to do in the future for sure.