Do any of you offer a “Membership package” to customers? A package that sets up X window cleaning each year, maybe year paid in advance with a discount for said package?
Don’t offer packages, but do offer discounts when doing multiple cleanings per year. Namely, if a customer says, “see you this fall” (knowing that they only do it once a year), I will let them know that if they book again within 6 months they will get x percent off.
Do have a few customers that like to pay for multiple cleanings at a time and give a better price, as the money is already in the bank so to speak. It just isn’t something we promote, or even seek out.
great idea and know a few who do this with success.
Good idea for larger companies with many mouths to feed. Poor idea for a solo operator to many thing can go wrong. Jmo
Thanks for feedback folks. I have found people have big plans to have us return but when the time comes it’s “I think were ok…thx.” I think I’ll put my time/energy into approaching the neighbors when I’m next door working.