Has anyone softwashed a metal roof before?? I’m assuming a regular softwash would work for the normal buildup and use a wfp to get the bird droppings and tougher stuff. Would like to give the client an option to clean the roof but I’ve never done one before. What are your thoughts and experience??
Yes I have done several of them before here in San Diego the way we did our jobs after trying a few things was to power wash it first then take a scrub brush on a pole (with or without solutions) scrub it then rinse. I would probably prefer not to use a WFP just because it gets super dirty, but if you are ok with cleaning it then go for it but in my opinion it takes a bit longer to clean just because if it’s not done right you see smears and dirty steaks. So keep that in mind when you give an estimate.
Get on the roof and tie yourself off. Work from the bottom up. Make sure you keep the area you are walking on dry. We do many many metal roofs every year. We use sh straight up w no soap or little soap depending on the situation. Make sure you aren’t burning any of the lawn or landscaping below.
The cleaned parts of the roof are actually not very slippery once cleaned. On low pitches I start at the top and work downhill, keep your rubber boots on the bolts for added traction. Tie in if necessary. I also sometimes bring the stepladder up and strap it onto the snow guards, those things are gods greatest gift to roof cleaning