Mobile screen repair jig?

Does anyone have a mo ile screen repair trailer that they made? Just looking for some insight or pics to help me out. Thanks

I have a folding table (banquet table) I picked up from Target a few years back. It handles most size screens. You could use two side by side to handle any size screen, then just roll of screen, couple rolls of spline and screen tools, and you are ready to roll.

Thanks That’s currently what I use. What do you use to prevent bowing? I use tape right now but want to make something adjustable for the center possibly

I’ll be looking at this thread. We have a trailer setup with our goodies and ladders. I am working on a collapsible workbench top that can fold out when needed for screen work.

Bowing is from stretching the fabric too tight. and not pre rolling the screen into the grove before rolling the spline in. As anything it takes practice.

Bow the frames out first before you roll in the screen. Should look like a slightly inflated square.

I use two Lifetime 6’ folding tables.