Moerman Excelerator - All New (no longer new)

I ran into an 'OLD timer" awhile back he had one in his truck, he hadn’t touch it years. We where chatting at one of my stops and he said mind if i show you some old school technique and he pulled out the old school 0 degree and fanned a large plate like a rock star!

But Im looking forward to trying out the ‘Excelerator’ :smile:


I got the “retro” model. It’s been a underestimated tool in my setup. But last spring when I did a hotel with pretty difficult windows my first love to it came back.
And I’ve noticed when I work with the Excelerator I really like the 10’ degree angle.


Great now I need to buy another item thanks

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Yea the Unger 0 Degree Squeegee Handle is super handy.


I use that handle on a regular basis. Great tool for sure!

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Hey @Chris will you guy(s) be selling the pad(s) and pad clips separately?

Edit: @WVWindowWashing found them for me. :smile:

Is this what you had in mind, Steve?

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Thanks Daniel yup I guess I should of clicked a few more times.

No problem… I’m sure @chris will pay me a generous commission. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Sorry been so busy. Yes that’s exactly what I do.

I will next week try to cut some Red Rubber and first clean a window at work 1-2 times before I go out to the field. Maybe then the fine drag marks will disappear. Saw a video of Trad Man about it.
I must get the Red Rubber to work in my Liquidator!
I’ve learned now to cut the rubber pretty accurate. See if it helps.
Black Diamond rubber is good, but it seems that the Red Rubber is everyone’s favourite in the Liquidator. :grinning:

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Red rubber rules! :wink:

He he… Didn’t get the time to cut that Rubber today and try it out on the office first…
Maybe tomorrow. I guess it would be a great “winter” rubber.

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Yeah its good in the cold. I live in Scotland and now its November the rubber is getting tested for sure. So far so good!!

Tried my new excelerator for the first time today…it was…not pleasant.

It’s my first swivel squeegee so i know it’s a new learning curve and I’m sure it’ll be worth it in the end.

Yep, that swivel is super quick so can get away on you very quickly. I’ve found the best way to learn to use either Wagtails or this new Moerman is as a bare squeegee. Once you’ve mastered that? Then add the pad…

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Keep practicing you’ll get the hang of it.


I use the Excelerator as a hand tool + I have one with the F Liq pad ready for my pole work.
I have tested the swivel function when I have it has a hand tool. I’m not good at it. On the pole - no problemo - a must. But in my hand… no I’m not good at that yet. I have bad patience too…

Keep at it. I was getting frustarated with my wagtail and almost put it up. Then one day I just got it.

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My excelerator really kicked butt yesterday. Cleaned one of my first monthly accounts yesterday that has a ton of PITA obstacles in the way. It has been taking me over an hour to pole with a fixed handle, and the deep ledges made it hard to use a wagtail with the pad over the top. I whipped thru the job in just under 40 minutes, and I’m still learning how to use the thing. This will be a 30 minute job once my skills excelerate (see what i did there?) a little more.