Moerman Excelerator - All New (no longer new)

This is my 18" with Moerman soft. Note…flush with end tip. 1-1.5mm overhang of tongue. Moerman soft is excellent rubber but wears quickly on less than new frames… frameless and storefront its very good…


Mine was doing the same thing, leaving big streaks about 1.5" from both ends. I pulled the rubber out and reinserted it into the channel and it stopped. Seems to work fine now, although I did flip the rubber over to use the opposite edge to make sure it wasn’t flawed from storage or shipping.


Rubber sometimes for the most part plays a role big time. Then comes your technique. If you’re still having trouble, post a short video on this forum so can evaluate just what’s going on.:slight_smile:


Excelerator Day 1:

(@wcs you wanted my thoughts)

First off, I strongly dislike the moerman rubber. It’s really flimsy and the extra stress of the end clip geometry burns edges far too quickly for my liking. I’ll be switching it out for some Black Diamond tomorrow.

As for the excelerator itself, to say that I don’t like it would be inaccurate. I do like the tool. But I don’t like feeling like a noob with a squeegee in my hand. It will obviously take some practice to get comfortable with it.

At the end of the day, I think the excelerator is like anything else offering extreme performance in that it concurrently demands more of the user to work at its full potential.


For the ettore brass you pinch the clips around the rubber then hold tightly to the clips and reinsert the rubber into the channel. To make it easy for you on the moreman. Grab a moerman rubber outline the rubber onto an old board or something you can cut into. Use this as a stencil to cut rubbers in the future. Remember to cut inside your stencil lines so that the cuts are equal to the original rubber dimensions. If you’re using an Ettore or Unger to replace your moerman rubber you may want to get the rubber wet with your solution to help lubricate it when sliding it back into the channel. The photo is pretty hazy…I’d say this is due to pressure and or angle. Looks like you may be dragging water or not applying correct pressure to the tool. I hope this helps and good luck.


You’re such a nice guy it blows my mind


Eric your tool looks on point !


I would say that a big helper for this tool is clips to hold the rubber firm and steady.
After I’ve got that advice here it solved many problems.
But I don’t use it anymore on rough, non-seal wooden frames. Even the Razr Red rubber gets worn out quickly then.


Huh…I must not have watched that one ? I said t grove…from the forum? Lol I’ll re-watch it :slight_smile:


Yes, Luke, I clearly remember that part, where you specifically said “… like TGrove from Denver’s Window Shine in Idaho with the white and blue shirt who frequents the wcr forum.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just keep trying you’ll get it.

Apparently the ettore pro+ pole tips are just a tad too small, and the manufacturing tolerances of the excelerator handles are just a bit loose.

The handle on my 14" excelerator mounted to the ettore tip just fine (although a tiny bit wobbly) and stayed where it was supposed to the whole time I used it yesterday. The handle on the 18" excelerator would spin freely over the tip and retention button and was nigh unusable in that way.

So this morning I modded a spare Unger tip I had in the spare parts drawer and stuck it on my backup Garelick pole. Now life is good.

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I have a cheap-o Ettore branded pole I bought at a big box store the day I decided to clean windows. My excelerator clicks right to the tip and fits pretty good. I have wrapped my wagtail angle arm with a bit of tape so it fits snug with a friction fit for the times i need that.


Thanks for sharing your experience so far @Samuel. I think you will like the BD rubber a lot better in this tool.

Steve are you using BD hard or soft? I decided to give the hard a try this past summer due to all the hype. It was literally unusable… Had to go right back to ettore soft and life was good again. Is there something I’m missing?

I use the BD hard rubber spring sumer and fall then soft for winter. The ettore rubber is great to.

I have always have great results with it, did you try a few different pieces of the hard?

No just one. I couldn’t even clean one window with it, it skipped and jumped so bad.

What issues did you have.