Anybody getting phone calls from these guys wanting to sub you?
Not me. Any good? Bad? Indifferent? I have a sinking feeling I know the answer. Lol
nah idk… havent worked for em just curios
After that last debacle Id be Leary
We did get our money on the last one. But ya F**k that ! Now we may be taking that account ha ha ha
Yep. Guy left a VM today.
Never done business w them.
Cutting out that sub all together.
ya his prices are wack! Well who knows what he is charging… but 50 cent per pane… lmao. No thank you!
Not for us … and im sure not for you either.
Why, what did he say?
ill vox you tom morning and let you know buddy
Yeah. No more subs for you bra
no dont get me wrong, I sub for some local guys that works out great. But national companies…no never again.
Why would I do that when Im getting $1 per dumpster pad PW…?
and I wouldnt just try and cut out that other guy as long as we are being taken care of. But once before I was almost screwed on a sub deal… finally got my money and took all 3 commercial buildings from him too.
Nice. Can’t really see how the math adds up. Seems more lucrative to find your own work. Idk. Never subbed for anyone but sub guys out every here and there. Lol
we sub for a few janitorial guys here that just dont clean windows. I clean it for what my normal price would be and all is well.
How do you find these janitorial people? Or do they find you?
They clean some of our larger route work jobs. They approached us and explained that they don’t do windows (obviously because we both work at the same locations lol) and just asked if we would look at other commercial properties for them . We charge our normal rate, paid on time its a good deal.
@luke would it be wrong for me to approach them to possibly get some extra accounts?