Hi all. I’ve got my website to about 75% of where I want it. Check it out, let me know what you think. Feel free to tease my technique in the video; the videographer said slower and more exaggerated motions would look better so w/e.
I’ll be adding some gallery photos and a links page soon so check back if you’re interested in seeing the final product take shape.
I’m viewing Mobile on android fwiw. Your site seems solid however the first page is like a shotgun blast. It hits everything all at once. I don’t have a site at all but sales is sales. If it doesn’t matter to the customer it just doesn’t matter. Seems like your biography and solution should have seperate tabs so if it matters to the customer, they can click on it. This would also allow you to elaborate on each tab more so customers could get a better feel of whether or not they can trust you or not… again it’s WAY better than I have, just seems everywhere at once. I would think the most important parts would be area of service, reviews/testimonials, some kind of " This months special" or call to action as people say, and contact info for the company.