NEGSA Meeting in NH this month

On September 30th a Thursday from 3 to 5 we are having a Meet of the New England Glass Smart Association of Window Cleaners. It is completely free except you are encouraged to have a meal and drinks. We will have our own room and we will be served. So you will be responsible for your own tab. This will be at the world famous Poor Peoples Pub located in Sanbornville NH.

There will be a hands on seminar on the use of “Hydrofluoric Acid for Glass Restoration”. Three tests will be demonstrated and explained. Also included as a bonus will be a test for determining the safety of abrasive based products for glass restoration using hydrofluoric acid.

Please respond if you think you are interested in coming.

Henry Grover Jr.

[email protected]

Just a reminder that we will be having the Meet at the Poor Peoples Pub in Sanbornville at 3 pm tommorrow on Thursday the 30th. There will be two different commercial restoration products demonstrated with a discussion of hydrofluoric acid and diamond superabrasives. If you are intending on being there you can just show up or send me a word at NEGSA Window Cleaners (New Logo)


The Meet went really well! We discussed HF and diamond based compounds. Hands on demos. NEGSA was officially formed. There will be a Meet on the last Thursday of every month. If you are local to NH please come join us.


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