I like 4, 5 and 7.
What only one with a squeegee? Thank you! I pick 5 or 7.
4 or 5. 7 if you’re doing high rise as a main part of your business.
5 for sure. It tells the whole story.
Tom… number 5 if window cleaning is all you do now or in the future.
I like the graphic in 1. The font could be different.
Thanks Malcom
So Tom which logo did you decide on?
Not sure Steve I’m having a few more designed I will post when they are done for opinion.
3&4 look like a paint brush from a distance. I’d probably ask for another round of concepts if it were me personally.
First, I don’t like to see a squeegee (or a pane of glass) in a window cleaning company’s logo, but maybe that’s just me. There are SO many WC logos out there using that imagery that it is anything but distinctive.
Second, when I do see a squeegee in a window cleaning company’s logo, it frequently looks like a gas station squeegee. Most of the squeegees in your examples look like that. If I were going to use a squeegee in my company’s logo (which I wouldn’t), I would make sure it doesn’t look like a gas station squeegee.
When I first started the business I was connected with a marketing consultant through a business plan workshop at the local SBA. Before I ever filed for an LLC or anything. She made me come to the web meeting with a list of no less than 20 names for the business and of course she picked the name I liked the least. She said every service company is A Plus this or Right Way that and that Squid’s is a name people would remember because it’s a little weird, but they would associate it with water. She used the same term: Distinctive.
I still hate the name of my company, but what she said seems to be true.
Also, for what it’s worth: The next meeting I was to have no less than 10 logos designed from various designers on Fiverr. She didn’t pick the one I hated, but she didn’t pick the my favorite either. She picked the one I use now because she said it’s simple, clean, and what’s important is easy to read. She also said all the best logos are 2 colors, 3 max. Coca Cola, McDonald’s, etc.
She also said blue is best for service companies because blue is a comforting and trustworthy color. If you’re going to have people in your house or working on your house you better feel trusting and comfortable. She told me red, yellow, and orange are the worst colors for service companies.
My favorite logo was blue and green, had some yellow and purple in it. It was complicated too. Too busy. She destroyed it pretty fast.
It looks like your logo and color scheme fit her criteria of simple is best and blue. I’m no marketing genius, but this is the second time I’ve heard the term “distinctive” and about a million other times “differentiate”.
Check out Luke The Window Cleaner’s logo for Knight Window Cleaning. That thing is the definition of simple is best and it’s freaking cool. Logos are more important than you may realize. Although I really like the people here… unless they’re marketing folks, it may be worth the time and potential cost to call a marketing consultant and take what we all say with a grain of salt.
I know that’s a windbag answer, but I have a soft spot for entrepreneurs and I’m over here rooting for your success!
Thanks for the input man I appreciate it
Yeah, imagine if every electrician had a voltmeter in their logo lol …or a piece of conduit!
It’s only a (strongly-held) personal opinion, nothing more. Not every logo with a window pane or squeegee is bad, but so many of them look more or less the same and a lot of them use generic, easily-available and even cartoonish clip art.
Since the colors related to window cleaning and water are pretty obvious and limited, most of us will use very similar colors. Therefore, the imagery itself needs to stand out. If my logo is meant to identify me and look distinct, why would I use one that looked very much like so many other logos?
Slide that k part out of the t. Looks good.