Here are 3 concepts from my graphic designer. Tell me your thoughts or favorite. It will be the center of the picture. The other parts are just color schemes.
The last one looks good.
I really like the third one.
#3. Although the text needs to be a bit punchier when on white background.
Using font ‘Impact’
[MENTION=5633]AllWashedUp[/MENTION], I like the third one the best, as well. You may have a hard time getting that color green on printed material, though (I did).
I like the third one a lot!
I think you should hire mark. I like his best
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I also like the 3rd one but I would cap all the first letters in the company name.
John out of the three i like this one the best.
As Randy said if you do use this one, cap the first letters in the company name.
For the non-college football fans, that is the logo of the SEC – Southeastern Conference.
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If those are the only options, I like the second one the best. I’m not real impressed with any of them tbh. Sorry to be a downer. I just don’t think this designer is that good.
Edit: Though the obviously SEC inspired one isn’t bad either. I liked the one that was based on [MENTION=3135]diamondridge[/MENTION]'s logo! Are these all fiver designed as well?
[MENTION=1]Chris[/MENTION] what’s that site that you recommended to me for design work a while back?
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This was where the idea came from. The wifey liked the simple logo and said I should try it.
Don’t worry about being a downer. That’s why I asked and posted.
Not fiverr like last time.
I drew this up. Going to spend a little more time on this one. Try and incorporate it in to a water drop instead of an egg.
I have to change the one I have now. I promised Larry. Plus, I’m trying to get away from the squeegee design in my logo.
It looks like a little kid drew it with crayon
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FYI. Im just messing with you, I saw your post on pwr.
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So true.
i’m with mole. not crazy about any of them. i guess the third is “ok”, the first two aren’t very good at all. i don’t even get the third one, but at least the colors sort of say “clean”. sorry to be so negative…
No need to be sorry. Really. I wouldn’t have posted it if I was worried.