I don’t know where the site feedback goes. I’m just posting my minor gripe about that new support chat icon in the bottom right corner. It stays in the way when you are editing or composing a response. I use an android phone exclusively fwiw. Once you have the Text window full, it eats up a third of your view. My .02
Agreed. I don’t mind it at the bottom of the screen but on my phone it migrates to cover part of the text box when I’m typing a response. Also it covers the upload button completely.
First world problems, I know.
And that.
Its hovering over the upload button on mine (Note 4) but its not unusable…they will work it out.
Click the little x in the upper right of that icon and it will close.
I’m not seeing a little x on my phone.
No x just the icon for me. I’m using a Galaxy Note 3 fwiw
Which icon? I’m seeing this on my phone am I the only one?
Lol were serious here. NOT A POP ICON!
Yeah, I know it’s annoying to me too, but thought I’d just rick roll the thread real quick.
Carry on.
Epic pun
Took me a sec to see what he had done…
Good ol’ Rick Astley. I wonder how HE feels about the use of his music in such a manner.
@Chris it would be nice if the support bubble disappeared on mobile.
Sorry guys - we are working on it. Hope to have it altered a bit soon.
I think I’d rather get a bubble man wrap for that kind of money. Can’t stand Apple.
I see what you did there
I’m still typing in the blind too. Now this tsk tsk! Lol