New Post cards

Hey dudes,

I have been putting these together for a while now (in all of my spare time). I am trying to get them shined up for mail out and door to door distribution begining mid-January. The first 100 of each are going to a group of leads from a lead service. I will mail them 3 1/2 weeks apart. My goal is to get my business name in their minds, possibly more than one person per household.

Take a look and tell me what you think about them all.

Please also use what you like for your own needs (unless you are a competitor of mine). I used Microsoft Publisher and Clipart to design these. I think my favorite is the Secret Post Card. I think it has all of the necessary elements and a really neat message.

Click here to download

Click here to download

Click here to download

Click here to download

I’d be interested in CFP’s ideas here, but I think they are all great attention getters that really speak to the customer!

I think all 4 post cards are real attention getters, you should do well with these post cards. My favorite is the 3rd post card that will get them thinking

I am not CFP, but here’s my quick advice:

On the “secret one”, I think the front is good, but the back would be more powerful if it was less obvious, and only had a URL.

Esentially, the front has said “Hey - look at the back!”

and the back says “Hey, we wash windows and you can save $35 and this woman names Sue recommends this company for these reasons.”

Essentially, the only thing motivating the recipient to visit the website or to call is “Call now to find out what it is, we promise you won’t be disappointed”

But you haven’t given them a good enough reason to be enamored by this offer, in my opinion.

It would be more effective to make these the testimonials:

“I couldn’t believe my ears when Bert explained what they could do for me.” -Sue M, Anywhere St, Argyle, client since Dec 2008

“At first, I thought it was a joke, but it’s quite real, I assure you.”

  • Dale H, Main Street, Argyle, client since Nov 2007

“Make sure you ask for Bert, and make sure you’re sitting down when you call him!” - Betty G, Ronson Avenue, Argyle, client since Sep 2008

And then make the URL:

And only have the testimonials and URL on the back, along with a deadline.

Then at least the webpage can be tweaked, and you can make a slick little video to sell your stuff, and explain the card.

GREAT IDEA, Bert, this will help make it work a bit better.

And great concept on the gutter one too, well done~

The more you make everything about the back’s message having to do with the inaccessibility and height issue (and danger), the better.

And ideally the testimonial would be along those lines, too.

Again - great creative angle.

The offer could be more “danger-oriented” too, and more compelling.

$35 off any dangerous 2nd or 3rd floor ladder-accessible window cleaning for your home, before Mar 31/09"

Something like that.

I’d also add some more text about how dangerous it is, and how horrible it would be if they tried to get up on a ladder to clean them, and one little slip resulted in them breaking their back and losing months of mobility and income, and experiencing terrible pain!!

[I]Problem. Agitate. Solution.[/I]


Outstanding concepts all around, Bert.

Just need a bit of tweaking, but great original concepts, for sure.

Well done. I’m impressed.

Thank you Kevin. I am trying to put to work the ideas in your book, as well as the thoughts in Paul’s ebook, and still keep some of my own creativity. Its not that easy. I have zero background in this type of thing. But I enjoy making these. I really like your tweaks for the cards. I’ll resubmit for further critism at a later time. Thanks folks for replying. Keep 'em coming.

Yeah, keep it up!

It’ll get easier and quicker as you acquire more practice.

Like I said, great originality.

The third one, with the high windows and gutters is phenomenal!!!

I can just see some of the faces on some of these homeowners looking at that and saying, “I’m not getting up there”!!

That was slick. I cant wait to see your response on that one. Keep it up and help keep all of our creative juices flowing.



Are saying to take out the offer bubble, the Call to action, and the logo, leaving only the URL and the testimonials?

In this case, yes, ONLY because you’re playing the mystery card.

If you tell too much of the story, the mystery is gone.

Curiosity is the most powerful psychological trigger, according to the Master of Psychological Triggers, Joe Sugarman. (he’s earned around half a billion dollars from his ad genius).

In other words, it didn’t just kill the cat, it also makes people do what we ask them to do.

That’s why your concept is awesome, it just needs to be a little less obvious to get people to visit the webpage (better than calling, I think).

And put a brief video on that webpage, explaining the mystery promotion, and all the reasons why they need it/want it/will love it.

Bert, this is a unique tool that you’ve come up with, so it requires a uniquely different approach, but I understand why you’re wondering about my suggestion here, because I heavily and specifically push that other stuff in my book.


You could still incorporate a “Call to Action” that pushes them to visit the website before a specific impending deadline, for sure, in a little line below or above the URL.

The offer is the secret message that they MUST learn now, and visit the website to learn.

Again, this is an “exception to the rule” sort of.

In reality, its the 1st part of a 2-part marketing campaign, with the webpage (the 2nd part) holding all the other cards, and completing the pitch with specifics.

Ok. Kevin. I thought that is what you meant. I just didn’t want to assume and get it totally wrong. But I do see your point about this being a two part idea. I need to get busy and film the video and put together another site.

Thanks again.

[I]Yeah, just a little, fun, sneaky, spy-ish video, to unravel the mystery!

It doesn’t have to be long, just worth watching![/I]

If you can make them laugh, smile, and tell their friends, you may just have a little viral money-making monster in your laboratory!

Don’t worry about a new website, Bert, just direct the URL to a hidden webpage on your regular website.

Really simple and fun.

And make sure that you have a really great offer as part of it.

I repeat: You don’t need to build a whole new site, it can be just a webpage on your existing site, redirected by that URL.