Newbie with streak problems!

Hey guys, I’m just getting started in window cleaning, my wife has a house cleaning company and I have been cleaning windows for some of her customers.

The issue I have is when I’m fanning the windows it leaves arc shaped lines behind which I’ve noticed are coming from the edges of the squeegee. Some of the lines dry clear but a lot of them stay on the glass which I then have to detail with a microfiber.

I use a 12" unger squeegee and the solution is water and dawn. What am I doing wrong?


Cut the corner faster and deeper. The leading edge should always be out front

Ok thanks. Should I cut the edge of the glass all the way down with a microfiber before I start with the squeegee? Also as I’m in Florida and it’s very hot/humid do I need a certain type of rubber?

No, cut it with your squeegee.


Also, use a little up and under to dry off your squeegee on the window.

Ok now i’m out my depth lol! No idea what up and under means?

Your rubber may be bad also. Check the corners of your squeegee to see if they’re worn.

Smidge of ammonia with the dawn and water. Not too much so as to leave a smell. Check rubber like others stated

Also mastering the subtleties of where are how to apply more pressure on your channel can help.

Thanks for the replies guys! I think I’ll change my rubber and try the other tips you’ve mentioned.

likely you are pressing down too hard. but its not easy to lighten up when you are new,especially if you try to lighten the pressure

the way to get over it is to clean a real hogsload of glass. after about a week [or 40 hours or so] of solid daily squeegee work you should lighten up your touch .

Ok Thanks. That’s one thing I wasn’t sure about. I’ll practice at home with different pressures. Thanks!

Another thing I’ve noticed is my squeegee doesn’t have any end clips. Is the rubber supposed to feel tight in the squeegee because mine doesn’t?

Could be that there’s is not enough water/solution on the glass before u squeegee it.

You “cut in” a window with a squeegee from somewhere in the middle of a soaped up pane. (Just not touching an edge) Save yourself hours of figuring out pressures and go on YouTube for an hour and watch @Luke or almost any window cleaner. Luke can link an appropriate vid I’m sure.:sunglasses: That’s one of the big secrets I guess, no one just told me either. Oh, and home depot Unger stuff doesn’t have clips in the channel. When you loosen the two bolts up top, it loosens the back that have teeth to hold the rubber. Upgrade soon hopefully.

Thanks mate. I’ve been watching a lot of luke’s stuff on youtube which is awesome! The Unger squeegee I have is from Home depot but I’ve just ordered an Ettore Pro Super system 12" squeegee hopefully this is a lot better. Do you know of any videos on “cutting in” I’ve been looking but haven’t found one yet. Thanks buddy

Ok. You ask I deliver this:

And then this.

Right after the intro you’ll set him “cut in” and go up the left side.

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Rename this thread to: Newbie with search problems.


Ok, I know that sounded jerkish. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But seriously, search this up and you’ll find lots more info.


No offense taken lol! I’ll get searching. Thanks!