The tubing I’m currently using is nice in that it never kinks, but it’s so “sticky” that sometimes it won’t even slide on grass if enough of it is bunched up. I think that makes it more prone to snagging.
Has anyone found any wfp tubing that’s slicker in it’s texture, but that also doesn’t kink?
I have only ever used 1 kind and it works great
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Great, keep us in suspense
I have used many, soft hose grabs everything, rhino is good but still a soft hose.
I recently put Gardiner hose on every pole. I have found Gardiner yellow pole hose works great for our entire crew. When you find one item that everyone likes its rare.
Omg it’s driving me absolutely crazy. I find wfp-ing to be pretty relaxing for some reason, but my stress levels go from a 2 to an 11 in about 1.2 seconds when that hose catches for the 17th time in 10 minutes.
I bought a 60 footer and a 45 footer from Alex about 6 years ago or so, and the hoses that used to come with all the poles were awesome. I have no idea what the names were but it was black and it didn’t stick to anything at all.
The stuff I found locally is horrible. Stiff, way too stiff. I bought 100 feet of it and ended up throwing it away.
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