Ocean Salt

Sorry about the poor quality photo but half the window has been cleaned and half still has the salt residue form the ocean on it (ocean is about 20m from house). My problem is I want to know if there is a product I can apply to the windows that will keep the salt off the windows for a reasonable amount of time? After I clean this particular house the salt is back within 24 hours

that’s living by the ocean for ya

wc’ers that do homes on the coast usually find themselves on a monthly schedule if not weekly

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Currently 6 times a year but who can afford to spend $276 per week haha

Up sell NG1010 coating, it wont stop the salt but the owners could just hose it off without having to worry about hard water spots forming.


Where is a good place to buy NG1010? With international shipping?

Not to far away


Thanks they have just informed me they don’t ship to NZ unfortunately :frowning: