Right when I was on my last two windows, I turn my back to dip my mop in the bucket and when turn back around this old lady snuck in and sat right in between my last two windows, I sat for 20 minutes waiting while she finished her food and texted on her phone. would have asked her to move but client asked me to never bother the guests. Old lady’s suck!!#!
Skip 'em and go
Ain’t nobody got time to sit around for 20 minutes
Time is money. Pack up and get to the next.
($1.66 x 20 min. = $33.20.)
I pull chairs away or slightly turn them in hopes someone sees what’s going on. Huh but even then you get that person.
Ask her if you can get those real quick or skip them. Whatever you do don’t hang around for twenty minutes.
Always do the favored seats first - the ones YOU’D want to sit at. Then if you have to skip one go work on the outside while keeping an eye on inside.
Yes. Every restaurant has them. And the staff know which ones they are. It’s a huge pain for them too, trying to rotate those magnetic seats.
Thanks guys, I run into this all the time.
Oh and if the restaurant just opened and they have two favorite spots then I’ll “reserve” one by placing a folded towel on one of the tables while I do the other one.
When I started they guy teaching me would wait all day to get a McDonalds done. He would stay and get his lunch even, and just wait and wait and wait. Drove me crazy.
I had a old lady who dropped here dentures in my bucket.
Kind of ugly/funny
Give them the evil eye as you work towards them. That what I do. They always move
This is the deterrent that you are looking for.
I don’t see the problem here. I just reach over them with a zero degree squeegee on a pole.
Just pay close attention not to let any drips land in their coffee.
Nah, claim your territory. When working make it clear that you own those windows; it should only take a few minutes to breeze through a section. Be aware of those around you and steer them towards the ones that you just finished cleaning. You will find people can be most accommodating if you point things like that out. She probably wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on.
simple idea but true
Thanks Gary
This is the way to handle it. Communicate. I don’t do route work anymore but when I did I made sure to just point people to seats away from where I was working in a friendly tone and can’t remember ever having a problem.
First world problem.