wow good or wow bad?
bad as in bad or bad as in good?
It’s magical. That is too say, very good.
What was your method when cleaning with it?
To elaborate, I was amazed about several aspects. First, my spray bottle wouldn’t work so I just poured a little on a microfiber cloth and wiped. The stains were gone effortlessly and in seconds! And it lasted window after window, probably 10 panes with one quick pour on a quarter of the rag, just slightly damp. Also, after the treatment, the windows were so smooth, the slip was amazing. They felt like brand new glass. And they looked it too. The glass was so crystal clear afterward and that was with no abrasive use whatsoever. And the windows had been about as bad as I’ve seen.
That said, despite safety goggles my eyes were slightly irritated and the smell really bothered me. But I tend to be a bit sensitive to chemicals anymore (something I’m still trying to figure out how to cure). Nevertheless, the product is great.
Take all precautions necessary when using restore.
That being said I’m happy it worked for you.
I have not had good results with the product.
Use a mask that stuff burns then nose hairs right off
Normally, I would spray some onto the window and then wipe it with a rag or scrub pad, but this time just put some directly on the rag and wiped. (Although, I’m thinking of getting a dedicated strip washer if I decide to use this more regularly, which I really should.) I let it dwell for about 30 seconds and then used my squirt bottle to douse the window from the top with water, fanning my way down wfp style. After that I cleaned the window as normal with mop and squeegee.
Oh, of course also important to note was that I was wearing PPE as recommended by the manufacturer, so I had safety goggles and neoprene gloves on. Since the smell was irritating to me, I may get a dust mask made for fumes in the future, but that’s just me.
Sidenote: I really would like to start making this more of an upsell, and I believe that the PPE, besides being important, has a nice “theater” aspect to it so the householder sees you’re really doing something special, not just wiping with a fancy cleaner, but something that merits an extra charge.
Haha! You guys took the words right out of my mouth!
Awesome! Thanks bro, this helps alot.
Just to clarify, by squirt bottle do you mean spray bottle?
Nah…I use a sports bottle designed for bikes. I’ve heard a lot of people like…I think it’s old Mrs. Meyers dish soap bottles. Apparently very “squirtable.” Or you can use a gatorade bottle with the squirt top.
Video shows how we applied One Restore on window having calcium build up from sprinklers.
Also noted One Restore suggested use at full strength which is not necessary.
Having mix 1 part One Restore to 3 parts of water is what we use.
So One US gallon / 3.79 liter make 4 gallons / 15litres at this mix.
Also using sprayer is not an option to applied on the glass ether chemical become airborne.
First you breath in the over spray, goes on the skin, cloths etc and it this case it would go on the plants.
Rinsing the One Restore off as explained in video use old scrubber sleeve saturated with cleaning solution flood the glass then squeegee off.
Also like to keep the tools that we use separated from the other WC tools after hosing them down clean.
Above all no matter what chemicals you are using, you should always exercise caution and wear appropriate clothing accompanied by goggles and gloves etc.
Protecting yourself from all chemicals should always be #1.
I’m going to recommend you DON"T use a spray bottle. (even says it on the label not to use one) and just because you got a breather don’t mean someone who might be downwind from you has one. Its hydrochloric acid. It’s some pretty narly stuff but works on most staining.
Best method is to really take the time to read the label, because it tells you everything you need to know.
You should also search the threads about the product there is a ton of experienced guys that have put their knowledge into the forum on that stuff.
One of the old skool fellas on here; Kurt Kempton, did a HUGE job (bio dome or something like that, was a huge greenhouse type thing) that he was featured on a magazine somewhere because of it.
Remember another important factor; any acid use will void any warranty from the glass manufacturers should the seal fail so keep that in mind. You could buy a few soaker hoses from Holmes Depot or Lowes Riders and duct tape that hose underneath the window frames so you won’t bleach the walls and it’ll dilute the run off.
Stay away from the sunlight when your working with it, if it dries on the glass throw in the towel because you just burned a panel and it’ll be nearly a grand to fix it (gotta replace the pane, and before you glass grinders start in with you can fix it-just get the new panel).\
Also if the mullions or frames are aluminum and if there’s so much as a nick on the frames you are about to speed up the corrosion process like crazy and it’ll grow from there (thats what is used to anodize in the first place, I’m sure henry will enlighten me on that one if I’m wrong but I know I’m not), so its a good idea to have a ton of baking soda mixed in a separate bucket with water to slosh onto the frames after your first rinse.
Try a pumice first tho, like bar keepers friend. It may do the trick without the use of the acid.
Trust me, even the most experienced guys burn glass. I’ve done it several times. Nothing worse than doing a small job for 1500 and ending up paying 3000 bucks for new glass because of being a retard (yes, I’m the tard).
I second that. I have burned glass, frames and bleached walls and concrete in the past. Ive acid washed a lot of glass. Even a 32 story all glass building downtown. Top to bottom. And i will say that both me and my guys hate one restore. I have had better results with cc550 myself. Even though it doesnt get everything neither does One Restore. However its much more bearable to work with. Smell of One restore is horrible and its thicker than cc550. I feel like i have to rinse more. I dont know about its other applications but ive stopped using it for glass.
But whatever you use make sure you use PPE especially if you have employees, spot test, and prep the frames with water first.
Also dont use spray bottles. Use a strip washer.
And as mentioned dont start with acid. First try a white nylon pad, then a cream like bar keepers friend, diamond magic, or bio clean (be careful though these creams all potentially can scratch the glass)