OSHA paid me a site visit today

I have never seen a roof anchor here and down the street is a new construction 3 story. The guys are working the roof now and not a one is anchored - all free walking as they work the roof. I doubt seriously that there will be a post construction anchor system installed either.

Im so sick of being unsure exactly what the OSHA rules and regulations are. We thought about getting OSHA certified, but we decided to send someone from our office to actual training to be an instructor. After that we will actually be able to train other people, companies and even our own staff.

Should be interesting.

Itā€™s tough to be up-to-date when they are changing rules and regulations so often. How much does this class cost, Chris?

Iā€™m all about being safe but where does one draw the line between coming up with regulations that are just ridiculous. Whoā€™s regulating OSHA and making sure their working hard to ensure that the regulations they set are practical and time efficient to each industry. Tying off to roof a house is one thing. Tying off to get up on a roof to clean one or two windows is ridiculous! You would actually put yourself at more risk getting up to the anchor point to tie off and untying then the short distance from your ladder to the window. Not to mention the time wasted having to break out the rope and harness.

It sounds like this OSHA guy was a blow hard who just wanted to flex his muscles on an ego trip. He would do well to listen to his wife, she sounds like a smart lady.

I got a visit from OSHA on the 5th of this month. I was doing some lift work on a bank and not wearing a harness. The guy started snapping pictures and then waved me down. He went through the whole ā€œthis is a serious offense and death risk blah blahā€ I asked him a few times (politely) if I was required as the owner to wear a harness inside the lift. He never gave me a straight answer. He also wanted to site me for not blocking off the sidewalk as I was boomed out over it. I asked him if I was required to block off the sidewalk as I had no employees underneath me working, he was inside the building. He never gave me a straight answer. After 1 and a half hours later of my time spent talking to him, he finally admitted he didntā€™ really know if I was in any violation and would have to ask his supervisor. So far I have seen no citations in the mail. Lesson learned = wear a harness even as the ownerā€¦ the hour and a half lost working would have more than paid for a 80$ harness. Next time they will drive by and let me do my thing.

I believe its like $1,500 bucks to become an instructor - Then the instructor can charge like $500 for a classā€¦ Its complete racket. We may give the classes for like a hundred bucks online over the winter. Offer them on the cheapā€¦ But Im mostly interested in running our key guys through it.

Chris, can you be more specific what type of OSHA trainer heā€™ll be, after completing the class? Is this a fall protection class, general industry, construction, (like OSHA 10 or 30 training), etc? OSHA is so massive, their pervue so wide, Iā€™m just curious. Does this lower your workers comp rates? Do you become an OSHA star site, or whatever they call it now? Thanks in advance.

Sure Steve. This is from Don from my office:

[FONT=arial]Iā€™ll be a certified trainer for General Industry classes both the 10 hour and 30 hour. These classes have fall protection integrated into them. as well as:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Managing Safety and Health ā€“ includes Injury and [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Illness Prevention Programs, job site inspections, accident prevention [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]programs, management commitment and employee involvement, [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control, accident 4 [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]investigations, how to conduct safety meetings, and supervisory [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]communication. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]c) Walking and Working Surfaces, including fall protection ā€“. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]d) Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Fire Protection . [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]e) Electrical . [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]f) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]g) Materials Handling. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]h) Hazard Communication [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]a) Hazardous Materials (Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Spray [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]Finishing, Compressed Gases, Dipping and Coating Operations) [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]b) Permit-Required Confined Spaces [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]c) Lockout / Tagout [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]d) Machine Guarding [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]e) Welding, Cutting, and Brazing [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]f) Introduction to Industrial Hygiene [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]g) Bloodborne Pathogens [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]h) Ergonomics [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]i) Fall Protection [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]j) Safety and Health Programs [/FONT]
[FONT=arial]k) Powered Industrial Vehicles [/FONT]
[FONT=arial] I will be able to post my availability and contact info as a trainer on OSHAā€™s website as well for those looking to take the general industry 10 hour or 30 hour courses.[/FONT]

Hope that helps!

just what I needed. Thanks

Hi, I am in Eugene and have been working safely for over 20 years. I have never seen anyone do what OSHA has required. How can I be guaranteed a house has an anchor point let alone a 5000lb one? Any anchor point I have seen never has all the holes filled. How could I ever have employees and make any profit? I guess I will be a SP for the rest of my lifeā€¦
Mark Bassett
Pane-Less Window Cleaning
Eugene, OR

You fit ā€œpractical,ā€ ā€œefficientā€ and ā€œOSHAā€ in the same sentence.
ā€¦ thatā€™s the funniest thing Iā€™ve heard in WEEKS, good one! :smiley:

I was wondering what ever came of this. Did your guy become an instructor and are you still offering these courses? If so Iā€™m sure you have a wealth of knowledge now on proper safety walking on roofs. Iā€™d love a chance to pick your brain on some of that and possible get into a course this winter if thats still going on.

I have seen a lot in Washington state where there are a lot of metal roofs. Most metal roofs I have been on in WA have roof anchors.

Havenā€™t seen one out in Cape Cod LOL :slight_smile: Though the beach houses with the cedar roofs SHOULD definitely have them. Make 'em out of Brass and shine 'em up pretty. We need to make STYLISH roof anchors so people will want them on their roof.

Good thread. Ever since my 08 extension kick out fall(the only fall I took in 35 years. Interior on a marble floor). I always tie the top. As per cape cod cleaner I think" a "frame roof access is to wobbly , prefer extension ladder tied to gutter rails with feet pads lifted and rail ends between boards. If the gutters have mesh seperate one put cord under mesh edge and up through space
As for interior height I try not to go up at all. I have layed a frames from the foot to an opposite wall to stop the motion and this works but looks very un professional. I bought Foot. The Ladder. For use in these situations but found it too vertical. It stood the ladder on its own. May have used it wrong, thanks Alex for the return.
I am mostly using 50/50 alcohol pure water and 2Unger pads ala John Lee,with good results. If thereā€™s a grid up there and itā€™s really dirty the results are a little iffy.
I have declined a few of these jobs or skipped the insides with the customers approval. I getting to old for those windows for a couple of dollars. I d rather work next door

Sent from my iPad using Window Cleaning Resource

[QUOTE=. I getting to old for those windows for a couple of dollars. I d rather work next door[/QUOTE]

Watch out for customers getting the hint that you think your getting to old to be climbing those ladders. Iā€™ve been doing a clean sweep on some guy that said that to a customer about an interior sky light. In the last month Iā€™ve picked up 10 of his resi. customers and two shopping complexes. I feel bad for the guy but I keep getting the same phone calls.


@Eastwood @Frozone

Ahh sorry for the delayed response guys just catching this. Our guy and I parted ways when I sold the company a few years ago. Iā€™m not sure what direction he went. But Iā€™m glad he was able to gain that knowledge for his future endeavors.

So how do you initially set the anchor? Is it already on the roof and you lasso it from the freaking ladder? Carry something up the ladder and place it yourself with the cordless driver you carried up in the other hand. Ridiculous regulations.