Phobic to Phylic Conversion Tech (PCT)

The outer area is the most phobic glass I have ever discovered. I have converted the middle to a perfect phylic surface however. The entire surface is wet with pure water. No soaps. Still working on the third issue of the Glass Smart Insider. It will be a theme issue. Phylic Conversion Tech. And will completely revolutionize WFP work. It is turning out to be a killer issue so far.

If you want inside send me an email,

[email protected]

@Henry great to see you on here! It’s been a bit. Hope you’ve been well!

Question, do you thing the glass would stay cleaner longer once its phylic, kinda of like GG4? Would be a great selling point.

Definitely less spotting. No drops no spots. The Low Maintenance glass that used to be called Self Cleaning uses a titanium dioxide coating. Which by the way is more phobic than phylic until it is blasted by UVC. But when this happens it is supposed to turn phylic. It is supposed to stay much cleaner because it is phylic. Dirt is “rinsed away”. Again I say in answer to all questions like this, side by side testing. Document, photo if possible, and publish. This is what I am doing with the Glass Smart Blog, Glass Smart Insider, Glass Smart Youtube Channel, and now I am working on the International Glass Smart Association (IGSA). Which will have its own website. The core founding members of IGSA will serve as a technical mastermind to serve our industry. I am really excited about this!

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That sounds cool Henry! I always enjoy reading about your ideas and efforts. They have been quite informative! (Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation!)

Charging please send me an email!
[email protected]