So,today was my first day actually working my small but growing route!..I spent a lot of time getting some accounts,and today was the day I got it done!..It took me more time than I planned, but that’s ok…the windows had not been done in over a year,so that’s a given.
My question is for those experienced folks who can take a moment to look back on your very first couple of jobs…commercial jobs. How satisfied were you with your work? Were you over critical of yourself? My clients were VERY happy, but I was able to detect some mistakes…such as streaking and or things I missed with my scraper. My first client gave me a 20.00 tip!..maybe because I was there longer than I anticipated (but these windows were filthy lol)
The second job…a pizza place with two deep fryers right behind the counter was challenging on the inside…LOTS of grease buildup the inside, that have not been cleaned in almost a year…you could literally see the grease slide down the windows with the squeegee. He was happy as well, but I saw a little bit of grease on the edges of the windows…He did acknowledge the grease issue and I told that those issues will go away with regular bi-weekly cleaning…it’s just that there was so much buildup…I know I was pretty much handing him a line…but he was super happy! Over all,I was happy with the day, but the little mistakes bug me a little…too hard on myself?..I know the more I do this, the better I will be.I just want to have a good reputation and make my clients happy.
The clients were satisfied and you got paid and invited back!
I have seen mentions of Simple Green as a grease solvent. I haven’t used it on other than floors but I mixed some up today. I am curious to see how it does on windows with lots of pollen and vegetation residue.
Yep!..and the Pizza place is opening another location this summer an he is having me do that too! I guess we can be our own worst critic. I have always been hard on myself. Compared to what these windows looked like before…it was a HUGE improvement!..a flawless technique and speed will come…I will try that simple green!
I think you’re on the right track. Agree with @wcs, there is a certain level of clean that correlates with maximum profit.
For the time being though, I think it’s best you focus on delivering the very best quality work you are able. It’s more for YOUR benefit than the customer. Once you are skilled enough to repeatably produce perfect results in an expedient fashion, you can start making the decision to skimp just a little on the quality to maximize your flow. In the meantime you will learn the little details that are most likely to require correction/attention and iron them out of your technique early on.
I’d like to throw in that where your mistake is, is important as well. People talk about money Windows over the kitchen sink in residential. Because homeowners look out of them frequently at different times of the day. I think that it’s the same in storefront. I pay special attention to the doors and windows above them and it seems to me the window the customer watches the parking lot from the cash register. Could just be in my head though.