Question about inside work

I use a spray bottle and carry a dry bucket with tools and towels. I carry large bath towels for drops when needed. Have finally ordered first BOAB, belts and accessories. Have been using nail pouch construction belt; hoping to do better.

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I’ve been cleaning for 20 years and I never use a belt for commercial unless I’m using a ladder (which is rare for commercial). You have two options. One use your bucket at each window or set it in an out of the way central spot where you can easily accessible it but no one will trip over it.

If you use your bucket at each window just set your stuff in your bucket. If you set your bucket in a central location just dunk your washer good and lightly wring it so it doesn’t drip and take your washer, squeegee and pole to the windows. 90 % of the time I set the squeegee on the window frame upside down while I wet the window and then set the washer on the frame while squeegeeing. Sometimes the washer doesn’t want to stay on the frame so you can set it on the floor frame so it’s off the floor or hold it in your hand while you squeegee, yes with your pole.

Using a belt, especially on store front, can be hard to get into tight spaces.


I thought it was more a PIA then what it is.
Popped right out. Haven’t done I in a while


The new ones actually have different handles.
Use a screw driver for the old type

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I feel accomplished today. :grin:. New buckets after 5 plus years. Could he 8 who knows


Window Cleaners Rope. :slightly_smiling_face:


Old school :+1:

Nice cane tip, old man. :wink:


Originally it was placed on my poles to protect the cars on inside car dealership cleans back in 1976. Now it has morfed into a walking stick like athletic hikers use. I see that you prefer to call it a cane. Nice. :wink:


:joy: :rofl:

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Me too…


Living large now Steve !

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I’m just happy to finally get it done. I don’t use that bucket setup much. But it’s nice to know its done, so when I need to use it its ready to go!

Thanks for the reminder this weekend Mike!

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I like the hooks!! Are these drilled into the bucket? I cant quite see…

How does the ninja channel compare to the Sorbo? The clips on the end of the ninja…do they help with less detailing?

I’ve never used sorbo, but the ninjas I’ve used straight out the box no mods and don’t have to detail much if any. Great squegees well made