We cleaned this roof today and had to be extra careful when spraying the back because of this new glass porch.
The customer said that the porch installers recommended only soap and water because of the tinting. Our recipe is standard bleach and soap mix to clean a roof and I did not think it would damage the tint, but we kept it completely soaked while we were spraying the shingles. Everything was fine when we finished.
Just wondering if this is something I may need to watch out for down the road if we ever see this type of porch.
I plead ignorance and did not even bother to check, but I did figure that. Same as on my truck and other windows I have seen.
She had a set of instructions on proper cleaning and it used wording like “no harsh detergents”, “no corrosive detergents”
Typical CYA wording you find in all this stuff. She was pretty adamant, and I think had actually called and talked to them. Our recipe is the same stuff we washed houses with, just a little stronger. This was one of those customers who was a “watcher”, so extra care was needed.
I have window cleaning listed on my site, but I do not do it. I just refer it straight to local friends in the industry. My knowledge is limited to a brief run with the WFP cleaning we tried as an add on. I gained a lot of respect for window cleaners before I hung up my cleats.