Reach-iT Water Fed Poles & Products - NOTICE

Alex and I have decided to no longer carry, represent or support the product line. This is not a decision we took lightly, and we are sad to see it come to an end. However, we no longer believe the range to be a good fit for our customers.

The rate of problems, complaints, and warranty claims is out of proportion with other brands. The current statistics show that a Reach-iT Waterfed Pole sold has at a minimum a 30% chance of a complaint or warranty claim. That is no longer something we are willing to subject our customers to.

If you are looking for a Water Fed Pole that has a much lower rate of problems and complaints you can start your search here: Water Fed Poles | Shop


I don’t think they are even for sale at all any more in Canada. It’s sad when a company fails at the exact aspect that they claimed to be the industry leaders of. A bit of a lesson in humility and honesty.


I never understood the fandom on the forum but reach it has an awesome salesman but after trying the beta brush way back in the day it was never for me, and seems like everything else was complained about. You never see that with the other companies


Brian, can I interest you in an at cost Reach-iT Pro ? :grin:


I don’t want broken clamps lol


I love my pole and my rhino hose. Every other product that they put out just didnt seem to make sense to me. They tried to hard to innovate things that just didnt need help and typically made them worse in my opinion.


I love the rhino tube. I love the side 2 side too…Too bad it only fits on Reach-It poles.

I’m so happy to hear this! We gave up on the reach-it line a couple years ago… and we aren’t the only ones to do so, that’s for sure.


Hah!!! That ain’t no lie Brian!!!

6" difference in collapsed height between the Reach-iT Mini and the Northern Lite. But when extended, the Northern Lite is 4ft longer. :wink:


ya i remember that it looks pretty good.
i would actually like one even shorter than mini in the furture for inside work.

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Xero and Reach-iT are the same?

I think I was told at some point that the Xero Poles are basically Facelift poles renamed for WCR but I would ask Alex or Chris to be sure.

The Wash-iT Pro is now called the Xero. Same system, always made here in the US.


Yes if it were not middle of winter here I would do that but it will be end of April before much money comes in

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Correct. Xero poles are Facelift poles re-branded. They are really nice poles, simple, nothing super special just priced right and reliable.

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Yes, that seems a really ideal collapsed length for residential.

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We’ve been asked to look into that and we’re expecting something very soon :slight_smile:


Ok so I didn’t just waste my money on this :laughing:


Did you drop the product as well Mark?