Real Estate Flyer

Here’s my current flyer for real estate agencies.

Tony, The link is missing.

Hey Tony, the famous invisible flyer :slight_smile:

What’s your ROI on that one ?

Sorry guys I couldn’t get it loaded. My word processor program isn’t compatible w/ this site. If you send me an e-mail I’ll send it to you.

I changed the format so now you guys can see it. Hope it helps.Real Estate Flier.pdf (35.6 KB)

Great Tony - I was searching for an online converter - guess you found it before me.


Really nice job Tony! Successes???

I used a different flier that I got from Troy Liposec a coouple of years ago. That one I gave out 10 real estate agencies and I got 1 job from it. I kind of got away from using it and decided to drag it out of mothballs to combat the slow economy. When I looked at the old one it needed polishing. This is the new and improved version. I’ll let you know how it works as I plan a small blitz w/ it after I get back from ATL.

Tony, That’s a great looking flyer! I bet it will be quite effective.

I’ve always wanted to approach the local real estate businesses but never have gotten around to it.

Now might be a really good time to hit them up and get some work lined up for me and homes sold for them.

If you don’t mind I may base my real estate flyer on yours.

That’s what it’s here for! Good hunting!