Residential Flier advice

So many options and I’d like to know what has worked for you guys in the past.

Black n white? Or full color?

Computer paper or post card like material?

Full paper size? Or half size?

All this place a huge roll in costs, Id like to stay as cheap as possible of course but yet something that yields results. I always keep in mind most are gonna be tossed in the can… Sad but true

Suggestions input please!

I found this PDF template, its eye catching… What do you guys think?

Depends on your market…

put your place in the demographic you look to acquire and see what they want from marketing material.

Personally any cheap looking flyers i throw out without reading. I go for quality flyers… then look at their website… and assess their credentials for the job.

Most of my marketing material which yielded the best results are double sided, colour large postcards printed on 300gsm card. But then a targeted specific/demographic areas.

I’ve used colored door hangers, b&w fliers in the same neighborhoods.

Couple calls from each campaign, i just keep hitting the same neighborhoods I want to get more work in.

I’m going to be looking more into EDDM for the fall. I want to really push the gutter cleaning when the leaves start to fall around here.

Right now I’m looking to get yard signs printed up and place them in as many of my target areas and public areas I can think of. I’m just looking I to any restrictions of placement and then I have to order them.

The key to anything working is repetition, keep hitting those areas you want to work and even one call usually pays for a couple thousand b&w half page flier campaign!

Good luck!

Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts

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Some like fliers. Generally the response is VERY low to them though. There are other forms of advertising that work better though.

The KEY to ANY marketing is consistency. Period. If you can’t go back and hit the same areas over more than once or twice a year, your wasting your time and money. ALL marketing requires you get in front of people, often.

EDDM is ok too, but you can’t narrow targets like you can with OTHER forms of advertising.

But what do I know. A few people here think I don’t know Diddley.

Its too much…ur gonna lose em on attention span

Test test test test, then oh yea test again. That’s the only way you can find out what works for your area. Then kill what works.

For example, for my own personal use, I use a lot of the WCRA flyers. I order in 10k or 20k batches. Some have killed til the point I wish my phone would shut up so I can finish a job. Others have bombed so bad I happy to make my money back.

Again the point is TEST…

TEST, yes it’s that important

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Maybe post the ones you have Tested successful? From WCRA

Personally not a fan of that flyer, but that’s just me…

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The WCRA ones that have worked best for me are what follows.

The Fathers Day flyer

The Time to clean windows spring

The Summer steal flyer

Again this have worked best, I’ve tried another 5 that were either bad or just did ok.

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Thank you for sharing!


but seriously to anyone reading test test test. Woulda saved thousands if I took this advice last year.

I made a trifold brochure that I posted in the members forum. It’s also my door hanger (rubber band through a corner) it’s also my flyer that I give out with every bid. The brochure route just seems more professional (high gloss via at cost printing). It has big words that draw the eye and it has pictures (since most people won’t actually read the words).

With every bid I give a card, brochure, and the estimate. If they lose the card, they’ll still have 2 other pieces to look at.

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Hey Jared do you have a link to that post?

Yup: My Brochures

I’m going to tweak the colors a little bit on the next batch, but 1,000 copies goes a LOOOOONG way.

Oh, and here’s my estimate sheet. It’s a 2 part white yellow carbonless form. Fill it out and give the customer the white part.

last week i got a flier thru my door , nothing remarkable but it is numbered and it says free draw at months end on their website for bottle of wine - i still have this flier on my table!

hot pink is my color, credentials are a must around here Angie list and bbb and a website are things that add credibility to your flier. then a form of education on the flier, also a deal for them to call. then repetition and more repetition.