Revamped Our Website & Looking for Feedback

Hi, we just revamped our website and looking for any feedback you can give us. We offer window cleaning and other cleaning services in Santa Barbara, California.

Continental Janitorial Service

It looks really good. I see that you have a “call to get an estimate”, why don’t you have an online booking form there? So your clients can book you directly from your website?

i dont see any images of the workers at work, why not?

It’s not bad, but I’d definitely swap out the stock photos for actual photos as you take them.

The 4 top boxes should be clickable images. Use background images on the links and then display:block for them. Right now it’s a div with the bg image, then a header then an invisible read more link.

I’d probably move that section to below the services you provide. You want visitors to know immediately what you do. Right now, it doesn’t flow.

Also, you need to go through your pages and make sure they all have one h1 tag. Some of your subpages don’t have an h1 and it can hurt you seo wise. Never have more than one. You can edit the theme so it always has an h1 for a page title that is invisible to visitors but visible to google.

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