I was told by a distributor that 95% of Window Cleaners buy Ettore rubber. If this is even close to accurate my question is why. What makes a great rubber? I did write an article in the AWC on rubber 20 years ago. Mike Draper told me he would get a copy of it to me so I could do an update which I would like to include in the Glass Smart Blog. I lost all of my old copies in my exodux from my old apartment when I got married 20 years ago.
I know it’s the one ettore product I buy expecting to have to replace within the week. The rest of their tools, you better have a spare. They’ll go whenever you least expect it.
I started out with it, but now I use Sorbo channels almost exclusively so I use Sorbo rubber. When I’m on storefronts I use a Wagtail with their red rubber in it. That stuff lasts forever I’ve found. It pretty much boils down to I will go to lengths to avoid engineered failure in a product or the companies that choose to operate like that. In my eyes Ettore is one of those and I use them less and less. Notice the edit above, it sounded like I was talking about other rubber.
You are peaking my curiosity. Exactly what do you mean by “engineered failure”? Are you implying that Ettore has added a certain ingredient to the rubber to cause it to wear and crack at a certain time? In other words have they engineered a lifespan for their rubber. Cuz IF this is true (and I emphasize IF) it totally blows away at least my own thinking that the goal of every rubber maker is to come up with the absolute best. I had Henry Unger tell me face to face that he spent most of his time as a manufacturer developing the ultimate formula. This IS really big stuff we are talking about. Way bigger than soap wars my friend!
My experience has been that Ettore rubber holds its edge the longest. I use Sorbo on commercial and their rubber is good but it doesn’t seem last as long as the Ettore. It might be the difference In the squeegee though. I’m not sure.
That said I haven’t experimented with wagtails red rubber but many guys seem to like it and say it lasts a long time. I have some of it but I recently switched to Sorbo for residential as well so I am not currently using a channel for the wagtail rubber, otherwise I would try it out. I switched to Sorbo right after I bought some wagtail rubber to try out.
No, I’m not speaking about Ettore rubber as engineered to fail. I’m talking about the tools. We all know that rubber is going to fail. Other wise folks wouldn’t buy it in buy the gross. I’m talking more along the lines of quick releases that get used multiple times daily made of plastic with tiny metal wires embedded in it. I’ve had my contour handle fail after a week from those wires
rusting out and breaking. I then had to rig it to hold one channel exclusively. Someone mentioned brass handles lasting much longer but they have the same damn quick release systems on them. On the other hand, I’ve had a basic Sorbo handle that has a plastic quick release last me 18 months now with no signs of wear. One of my responsibilities as a business owner is to keep overhead down, you can’t do that if your buying $30 handles weekly. This is based on my observations obviously and other folks mileage may vary. I just try to stay away from the gimmicky break in a week-flavor of the day- stuff.
Have you tried the old brass Unger handles? Great design. I use them with ettore brass channels and ettore rubber. Best set up I’ve found. That clip ettore quick release handle is great only when it’s new. Haha
I should point out that the Ettore Brass is likely the most popular squeegee at most supply houses. Plus it’s in a lot of hardware stores and janitorial places. That might have been what they were referring to @Henry
I got turned off from Unger’s handles by the first one I purchased at home depot when I first started. I’m not opposed to giving them another try however something about the teeth holding the channel and rubber in seems weird. Maybe I’m just weird.
I learned how to clean windows with ettore gear so it seemed weird to me as well. Somebody on the Facebook group recommended the combination so I tried it.
Ettore sells little rebuild kits with new springs and a new lever to make a squeegee work like new again. I was thrilled to have my ettore channels working like new again.
Just to note, I don’t like the teeth either. Makes it difficult to quick change the rubber. My work horse is an Unger Swivel 0 degree handle (no teeth), with an Ettore brass channel and Ettore rubber. Course now I will be experimenting with the Wag Red and the RAZR Red rubbers. I am working on rubber research right now.