Salesman mini episode #3


Best yet Sean - so true about the quality aspect.
Merry Christmas!

Nice job, Sean!

Happy Holidays to you as well.

“Keep it PC” means what? Puking out-of-sight in the warehouse rather than the office? :smiley:

Thanks Karl!

Merry Christmas to you too!

Thanks Larry!

Happy Holidays to you as well!

And yes I actually have a nice corner of the warehouse picked out that is out of earshot and sight of the surveillance cameras!

very nice!!!

good job!

Well done Sean!

Thanks guys! Just about ready to leave the office holiday party! We had a blast!!!

This is exactly what my philosphy is. Nice job salesmen. Wish more Wcers took to this philosophy.

I see that your boss also saves money by not using heat in the building! You look like your hunching over in you coat…surprised I didnt see your breath!! =)

Haha!! Sometimes it feels like that!! Gotta save where we can!!

Thanks again to everyone who commented!!

This is the exact philosphy that I use NOW… I bid jobs just to get them when i first started out on my own. Now i bid those jobs for what i want out of them…