Scary phonecall

Minutes after returning home i get a voicemail from the customer whose house i just left. It was the husband, who wasn’t the warmest on the phone when he called for an estimate, was audibly uncomfortable with the price when he then called to schedule, and didn’t seem excited to see me when I finally met him in person this morning to do the job. His message simply stated that he wanted to talk, no details, so i was nervous. Especially cause i accidentally tore a screen when a gust of wind blew it against a sharp edge of my screen washer. (I had pointed it out to the wife, but still.)

I call and leave a message and he promptly calls back. It sounded like a different person! He was so warm and friendly and just wanted to call to thank me for doing such a great job and leaving everything so orderly. He asked who makes my postcards cause they looked so professional. And he said he would definitely try to send work my way. I brought up the screen and he said no big deal, whenever i can get to repairing it is fine (guess i gotta take a crash course in screen repair a la wcr forum search). Thanked me several more times.

Wow, it was so refreshing! Ok… Brag over lol.


Screen repair is easy enough. You should already have this as an add on service.


i don’t think it’s bragging, i think you’re excited and we’re the best ones to share with


Thanks, man. That was such a nice way to put it.