Ugh! I literally just searched eBay and all of Craigslist for sectional ladders…but I really wanted the Alaco brand. My metallics are a tad heavy.
As I said I cant remember the brand…maybe they are Alaco. Purchased years ago. They are Aluminum.
That’s the metallic brand.
You won’t have a hard time selling those with the half section. Those are unicorns in the industry. Good
Yea…the four and five footers are definitely odd balls. I could not imagine using them without those sections. Makes finding the correct height so much easier. Maybe I should hold onto them as " Vintage " and sell at some Window Cleaners equivalent to Mecum Car Auctions and get rich !!
Sounds like a retirement plan, to me!
@WesternReserveWC is in Ohio. He bought some off me and may be interested in them.
Are you willing to ship, I know you would prefer to sell local.
“Street cred” noted.
I was waiting/hoping for this post, as I read.
How much are you asking for the set? Would you sell individual pieces ?
I could ship UPS if you are willing to pay that…
I’ve been on vacation for a month and just saw this. I am interested if you’ve still got them. I’m in Kent.
Hey Western Res.
Sorry I did sell those already…good luck in your search.
Anyone near the Raleigh, NC area? Found these on Craigslist. Good deal.
Still available?
No…Sorry ! They sold within a few days of the post.
Lol I bet they did, mine are ready to put on the shelf, looking for a good set. Thank you!
I had a lot of responses to them. I still have another set, but will most
likely keep those - even if I sell my commercial accounts ( already sold
residential in 2014 ).
Take care and stay safe out there.
I would but it if you still have it