So what did you take away from this year's NOLA event?

So now that you’re home, [B]what did you take away from Thad’s NOLA event[/B] that you feel is truly going to help your business in 2012?

I’m curious as to what has stuck with you.

(Thanks Thad for another great event. Best one so far. I appreciate all the hard work it took to made it happen. We all do.)

I need to inject more whale poop into my business.


Even better is if you could become whale poop.

Short Answer “More Money” or “Mo Money”

I was excited to see so many other window cleaning business owners excited about the window cleaning business. Everyone was super positive about the year ahead.

I think the most important thing I learned - I have a lot of work to do. Also learned I never win anything :slight_smile:

The thing that was amazing to me is the real genius of many of the members of WCR who were there.

I learned from Justin Monk about being open-minded, taking a little something from everyone, and being a great listener.

From Garrett Pfarr about approaching technology in a serious way, and how to make it serve my purposes.

From Dave Carroll I learned about being a hard-worker, and a hard thinker…never satisfied, always looking to improve.

From Jason Evers, I learned that no matter how important you think you are, you’ll offend people if they feel you blew them off.

From Kevin Dubrosky, I learned that marketing is the real work of any business, and is super fun but very hard work.

From Thad Eckhoff, I learned that shooting straight, building trust, and serving others are the real way to get things accomplished.

Learned from many others as well… Can’t wait to continue to build on the great relationships that we’re started and furthered in NOLA.

Well said Michael. As most of you probably saw, I tend to ramble, so I’m just going to say I learned a lot and have several new tweaks I want to implement in my business. My only regret is not getting to talk more to some of you. Like Michael said, I feel the company i was surrounded by to be the best in the business - Exactly who I want to surround myself with.

Thanks Thad, Micah, Jeremy, and Bob for the information in the pressure washing class & Thank you Thad and all the speakers for the networking event. All the speakers were awesome, and there were several I will never forget. Can’t wait to visit Finland :slight_smile:

These kinds of events also add tremendous depth to our understanding of the people we’ve [I]only[/I] interacted with in [I]online[/I] spaces.

Just a few examples from this past NOLA event:

[B]Justin[/B] (Justin w/a Pane)
Justin and I used to fight on the old NWCD forum, before WCR existed. We had lunch together at NOLA, and I told him that I used to think he didn’t like me, and he said that he though I didn’t like him. It’s funny. We often paint pictures in our heads of who these WCR members are, or what they’re trying to project, but the truth is, it really is just in our heads. 9 times out of 10, they’re just regular, hard-working people like ourselves, trying to find a way to achieve the business success they’re looking for.

[B]Dave /B
I had no idea Dave was only 26. I wish that at 26 I had the same focus and drive as Dave has, and the willingness to learn from mentors and others. You almost never find these two things as strengths in someone under 30. Actually, make that 40.

[B]Tyler[/B] (TJGibson86) : I might have messed up that username a bit.
Another great guy to talk to, so friendly and easy-going. Truthfully a pleasure to speak with. Interested in growing his business, but not at the expense of the rest of his life’s goals. Very balanced.

[I]And so many more, too.[/I]

I’m really glad I went.

It truly does change the way we view the members of WCR.

For the better.

So let me ask you: [B]Who did you end up meeting for the first time that you like even more now?[/B]

What a great point Kevin…

I was actually thinking the exact same thing about Dave.

After chatting with Justin online for years, it was great to finally meet him.

I’ve learned that I loose my voice pretty easily.
[B]I’ve learned about a chemical formula that should land me a nice job.
[/B]I’ve learned that if a balcony looks unsafe, probably can’t hold that much weight, and is semi rotted, if you drink a little you don’t really worry that much about it.
I’ve learned that I may have a physical dependancy on po’ boys…
I’ve learned that if you put everclear and ornge sherbert together you may have created a mouth orgasm.
[B]I have learned that I want a Fatboy Bandit, and a Glass Renu.[/B]
I’ve learned That Matt Damon is not THAT Matt Damon, but they could be twins.
I’ve learned that i can’t dance.
I’ve learned that Wisconsinites fashion is not as good as Californians (and indoor malls are uncool)
[B]I’ve learned thats Thads event is the bomb diggity (and that people from California probably don’t say bomb diggity)
[/B]I’ve learned that when someone says Bill was in the hospital for 4 days and he may not make it, it really means an hour hospital stay and ointment.
I’ve learned that i have somehow turned "Jersey"
I’ve learned that if you have drinken a huricane and you later puke it may make you think its blood.
I’ve learned that if your not from around here, you can get people to “go through footage”
[B]I’ve learned the whole home package is a great way to go.[/B]
I’ve learned that there are people in this world who can still wake up early to run on 2 hours of sleep
I’ve learned what has been seen, cannot be unseen.
I’ve learned Alex is scared of horses
I’ve learned throw beads with bad intentions.
I’ve learned not to go upstairs.

[U][B]I’ve learned that there are definatly some amazing people in our industry.
AND I’ve learned what I am doing around this time next year.

Garrett (VuRenu) was someone I don’t remember ever interacting with directly prior to meeting him. What a good dude. And sharp as can be.

Okay I can play this game.

I’ve learned that Jason Evers doesn’t look as good as me in a suit.*
I’ve learned that Jason Klovansky has the golden touch.
I’ve learned that Curt Kempton will never ask me to be on a panel again.
I’ve learned that it sometimes makes perfect sense to have blueberry pancakes for lunch.
I’ve learned that I’m not really a window cleaner unless I own an iPad.
I’ve learned that chairs with ropes on them are not allowed to be sat on.
I’ve learned that “meet you on Bourbon Street” is sufficiently effective as a description.
I’ve learned that getting a hotel 14 blocks from Thad’s event requires walking through some scary neighborhoods.
I’ve learned that bedtimes need not be correlated with waking-up times.
I’ve learned that rabbit actually tastes pretty good in jambalaya.
I’ve learned that April Dodson can make anyone say yes.

[SIZE=1]*according to a recent survey of all Canadian NOLA presenters.[/SIZE]

Amen to that.

Definite style award competitor. And a pleasure to hang out with in real life :slight_smile:

I will turn Kevin’s question into “who did I meet that I wished I had been able to talk to more”? I have to say it would have to be Charlie Laurie and Larry Laczko. But I wish I could have spent more time with everyone. I had an awesome time, met some great people and learned a ton. The list of people I met, got to hang out with, share some experiences and funny stories with and learn from could easily fill a full page of paper.

Garrett is an amazing individual. I refer to him as gadget Garrett. He is extremely humble but everyone should see the inside of his van.
I learned to open my mind
I learned we need a fat boy
i was able to move forward mentally with some areas I had come to deadened with (thanks Kevin) particularly what makes our team uunique i learned when Jenna drinks a jester she can’t stand up 12 hours later
i learned to start every conversation with “love” “babe” or "sugar"
I got to know Larry which will help me better understand his posts
i learned I am way too nice to my employees
Picked up some creative marketing ideas
i learned more from quit one on ones than I did in the loud crowd
kate is taller than I expected

The fact continuous improvement is necessary was re-enforced and I am energized to get home.
Linda gets a little touchy when is wabblie
learned many feel the same pain I do

What I learned won’t mean anything unless I go home and implement what I can afford. First and foremost I need to free up my time from the day to day office work. Game on

It will take 6 months to lose the weight gained and another 6 repenting before I can return
we just left the hotel so I assume we turned the lights out on the party. Party over but the fun I was searching for is now beginning
Sorry for grammatical errors but done from I phone

I wish I could have been there. Can we move it back to after April 15 next year so I can attend???

Yeah but you’ve got a really great haircut. Just ask Chris and Alex.

I learned that I need to know the lyrics before I get up in-front of the mic! Seriously though I learned so many wonderful bits of information that it actually showed me how little I really know! That is what I love about getting together with WCR community members. You not only get to meet genuinely amazing people but you get so many different perspectives on problems we all face as business owners that you can’t help but walk away with a little smug smile and the feeling like you now have the missing pieces you have been searching for.

Mostly I learned the true value of this community and the support it offers to its members! I can’t wait till next year, and I will follow Thad’s advice to start hydrating a month in advance!


I learned from Kevin that our minds are easily tricked and I can use that to my advantage.
I seem to be most known for sandwiches and bacon.
A lot of window cleaners have tatoos.
I learned to never again follow a meth heads directions.
Me and Justin have a lot in common.
I learned from Curt that I have something serious to consider in my business that may bring it to that next level I’ve been seeking. And no, not Responsibid.
If you order a vodka tonic on Bourbon Street in comes in a super big gulp size cup.
Josh is slowly morphing into Ronnie from Jersey Shore.
Gary M. is even more entertaining than I already knew.
I learned that I need to work harder on a budget.
Michael is a pretty darn good speaker.
New Orleans could quite possibly be my favorite city.
Chris knows me better than I thought.
I learned that it will take me days and days, if not several weeks, to sort out all that I learned and need to implement in my business.
I learned that Thad’s NOLA event [B]IS[/B] in fact the best in our industry.


Kevin is an amazing speaker.
I heart Larry and Geri.
The amount of money I spent to attend Thad’s event will more than be worth it if I implement just one thing I learned by attending.
Attending our industry events is one of the most vital thing you can do to better your business.
Meeting, networking, and building relationships with other window cleaners no matter their experience and years in the business is invaluable.[/COLOR]