Sorbo Ultralight

Hey guys!

Has anyone here tried Sorbos Ultralight channels? Haven’t seen them here on Window Cleaning Resource.
I’ve started really like them. Especially the 12 and 14’ for my residential work.
Starting to be a new go tool for me.

Do they take Sorbo rubber only?

I guess so. Haven’t tried others. Only used the channel for a week now.
But it may use normal rubber. I can check.

Interesting, I was just wondering about those. I think I’ve only seen them on Detroit Sponge. What do you like about it? How does it differ from traditional channels like Ettore, Unger, etc?

They are so light! My first impression when I held it in my hand: Is this a child’s tool?
I have put them together with a Ettore Contour Pro + handle. Great combo!
I wouldn’t use them on commercials - there I think you need a more robust channel. But on residential it’s great. Saves my wrists.

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Just wanted to say that I really dig this channel. They have saved my wrist a lot. Easy to use - especially on residential work (for storefronts I use my regular Sorbo channels).
Anyone else using the ultralight channel yet?