A ant hill and out came some of these guys
I wouldn’t make a mountain out of it.
But seriously, pretty cool. Did you get bit?
No, just amazed at there size
Wasps don’t bite
I’ll kill a wasp on sight. Honey bees get a careful escort outside.
“Brought to you by Progressive”
Nothing to see here
We had a bunch of those monsters flying around one year. Super freaky but not an ahole like regular wasps.
Thanks Flo…
yes they do
Thanks for the info,there a bit north of there normal range here in MN.
They have stingers not teeth.
they have jaws and will both bite and sting. sometimes at the same time.
Yeah I saw them in Iowa. Only for one year.
It’s the stinger you gotta worry about.
I thought it was an ant.
While they’re not aggressive and will leave you alone, you will scream like a little girl when they fly by you.
Yellow Jackets are the ones ya gotta look out for. They attack in a group. Stepped on a couple nests over the years.