Storefront Invoice Question

I wanted to know if you guys could provide me with an invoice template I can use for storefront work. When going to a prospective client, what do you hand out to them when giving your estimate?

Thanks all feedback is appreciated. My goal is to find something I can get ordered from vistaprint or go to fedex, so I can get out there and network!

I have my business cards printed with a basic estimate form on the back. I use it for quoting storefronts and on-the-fly residential jobs.

Normal residential and commercial estimates by appointment get a more formal rundown, but for storefronts the card is just fine.




Alright, I will do the same. Thanks man

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That’s pritty much all I do for storefront. Had them my card ,An either tell them verbally ,or write it on the back
If it’s a dealership, or something similar I email ,an estimate via TCF.


Would you happen to have a picture of your door hanger for residential work??

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My door hangers just say “Got Dirty Windows?” and have my business name, phone, website and a picture of my handsome face. Nothing fancy.


Ok great. Thanks for the tips man… Really appreciated

Here is a pic of my storefront card. Price spot on the back.

If it a restaurant or dealership or corporate store I email an estimate with a pic of the location.

Hope this helps.


It’s good to see different cards and ideas. Thank you for taking the time out to post your card. Im gonna post mine when I get the template done


Yes seeing different lay outs help a lot. I’ve changed my cards so many times…Lol. Looks like I’m going to stick with this lay out for awhile, potential clients seem to like the visual of the windows.


I like those where do you get those made up. There not stickers right ? Just slide right on the door ?

Thanks Mike.

I got the “cards” done at staples.

It’s my own art work and they printed the cards.

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Great idea have specialized cards. I’m gonna take the next step and call it storefront cleaning and mention the frame cleaning and even spider web removal. Just sounds like more bang for their buck.

I saw a few comments on people likening to see others cards for ideas. Here is my newest and oldest. I changed to the newest to make the company logo for uniforms and print adds etc. I do like WCS card for store fronts. I might get a few printer up like that to see if it makes a difference. I focused on residential for all my years and wasn’t interested in store front but in my new town its very small and I have to have the storefront for the consistent income month over month.

Have a great day. I have storms tomorrow so looks like it will be a day to work on my new old van.

New card for 2017

Old card 2007-2016


Great post. Gave me some more ideas to put on my card. Much appreciated man

I like your name-slogan combo

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I just write the dollar amount on the front of my card.

I’m getting the card completely redone with less text but will keep the color scheme, the silhouette of the worker and there will be a bigger squeegee.


“007-Licensed to clean”

Sorry, couldn’t resist.


I like the idea of posting cards, good to see what everyone here is using.

Since my card has never changed I think those who posted motivated me to redo mine.


Can you believe it that I didn’t even consider it haha. But I might have to use that. I wonder if I can get in trouble with royalties