Stupid idea

See those upper windows in the photo of these condos? They are third story and open floor all the way from the first floor! Because the room next to this wide open space has a low enough ceiling and narrow corridor I can’t get my extension ladder easily in there without risking scraping the walls. I told them to let me know how important it is to clean those windows they never look out of. One of the five I talked with said “It needs to be done.” Me: “It would be cost prohibitive for me to do that.” One out, four to clean.

Also, the architect who designed this place lives there! I had already mentioned to the Condo President that the (unknown to me at the time architect should be shot…lol). Live and learn.

We’ll see how the others go. This type of job is not an issue to me. They have gone through like three window cleaners before me. Quite possibly could be #4. :slight_smile:

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Are you afraid of scratching the walls when setting it up inside? Or just when you’re taking it in there?

Both. Third floor inside is no joke!

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Hmm… I’d love a picture. Having a hard time visualizing it. Sounds pretty damn high.

Humm, long pole with a ledger?

I’m starting to think that architects are the most impractical people on earth outside of politics.


Naw, just don’t worry about changing that fluorescent bulb 4 stories up over an open space cubical farm…

Yeah, you’re going to need a crane to remove the big 4 ton rock from our open space foyer so you can clean 5 stories up…


I don’t have a picture, but look at a 3 story window with no floors between you and it…now picture that 3 story window indoors and down the hall from the rest of the condo. Oh yea, and a stairwell nearby that also obstructs access. (Standing on the stairwell does not make it any easier, trust me).

How visible is the dirt on it? It doesn’t sound like anyone’s going to be getting anywhere near it…

Assuming there’s no one watching you work, then maybe a little fairy already cleaned it and you can tick that box and hope that no one mentions the lack of job that he did.

Paint is an easy fix :slight_smile:

HAHA! The one guy asked me if I would paint the frames while I was up there! Looked right in his eyes and said “I am a window cleaner, not a painter.”

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Lol nice…ya let it be an easy fix for some one else haha :wink:

That is where the whole “stupid” in the thread is. You can look across to it through another window to see the lower edge where “the last guy” didn’t detail.

Stack ladder?

Ahh, perhaps, but don’t have one and not getting one for only two jobs next week that I will never book again.

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