Tell me what you think about Grand Opening Specials

I have an idea to do a grand opening special. I figured if I could door knock specific houses and pass out a voucher for a set rate no matter how many windows, it could get things rolling quicker. I’ll pick the houses with lower amounts of windows and charge $65 for inside and outside windows only. Then if they want the screens done, they can just pay the extra.

Does this sound like it will produce good results?

I imagine it will when I guy in my market started charging 1/3 of my price he filled up very fast.
But remember now your “that cheap guy”, If your targeting the customers who want it cheap, next time they will jump on the lower price if someone else comes along.


That’s so true…I get it.

I was to offer some type of special, I would find the median price of the competitors so you are in the same ball park then off something simple and easy as a free bonus, like 20 windows cleaned for $xx and you get 3 fans cleaned or something that will take you minimal time to do but maybe something the customer might find difficult to do.

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The places that have grand opening specials usually will have going out of business sales to. Reminds me of a furniture store. Just thinking window cleaning companies don’t do grand opening events

Maybe you could make that grand opening special work if you had a storefront location but door-knocking not sure I’m sure you could come up with a better special title


Ya, not a fan of door to door but if you do, might as well drop the whole grand opening thing and just market it as a special. Up that price too. You will regret it!

I learned that from having my prices lower than others. You soon realize that it isn’t worth all the time it takes to do a house.


Yeah, thats what I’m affraid of

I just want to get started so bad.

That all it takes! Just get out there let everyone know what services you offer. You don’t need to have below market pricing, it just a numbers game, the more people that know about you the more opportunities will arises.

Get this book if your going to do residential… Get it now and follow it.

Good luck.


Then start buddy! I would ditch the grand opening. Too be honest if you’re going door to door they could care less…all they will be listening to is $$$. Id go with door hangers myself, and if you really want to have a speacial list it on the hanger. I think the longer youre in business you’ll see that you will want to be fairly priced not only for the customer but for you as well. We dont offer specials or discounts. When we do door hangers we list out company info and social media. We tell our customers we are not here to low ball or under cut another company .We are here to offer a more reliable , consistent and quality service than our competitors.


Great advice !

Residential can be steady money. Once you have serviced that residential though and you make your say $65 plus screens? It took most of the day (your new-slower) Your tired (It’s not easy, your outside all day sweating, working) last thing you want to do is go door knock for tomorrow’s work. And now you just lost your best prospect ( they aren’t gonna want the windows cleaned for at least six months) I say you need a load of storefront and now. Hit up 20-30 different businesses every day until you have enough stops where your doing 2 or 3 stops a day every month. Should net you AROUND 60 to 80 a day. Residential will naturally come from those. Use all that extra money from residential work and put it all into residential marketing. (brought your discipline right?) Even those months when you only sold 200 bucks of residential that’s a LOT of photocopied flyers stuffed in screen doors. It’ll snowball until you don’t have time to flyer doors, or can afford not to have to. Switch to eddm. Ads in mailboxes Scream “legitimate” Another thing. I don’t know how you grew up, poor or what. I’m getting at selling from YOUR pocket. $65 bucks? You’ll never survive on that, let alone profit or grow. Get the book linked previously above my comment. Charge roughly the going rate in your market, and sell the hell out of yourself while providing top notch customer service and quality results. Go, go. Get busy!


I thank you all for helping me shorten my learning curve on this!!

You can. GO start right now. Just act like you have been doing it for years.