The best slip and cleaning power

On occasion i use a squeegee with Zep foaming glass cleaner. The slip is blissfully perfect. It cleans extremely effectively. And it’s already very streak free, so it’s very forgiving of mistakes. It basically dries clear. If it were cost effective and wouldn’t hurt my finger to use the spray can all day, I’d seriously use only this stuff rather than my normal solution.

Does anyone have any ideas how we could replicate it’s properties in a mixture we could make on our own? Perhaps @Henry has some ideas?

P.S. This is not intended to be soap wars so please don’t respond with, “just use Dawn.” I use Dawn every day, but have noticed just how amazing this stuff is and feel it’s worth figuring out.


Just use dawn…oops sorry! :wink:


evgilliand says that he adds isopropyl alcohol for slip, i think it is one of the ingredients in those spray glass cleaners, you could ask him about it

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I would think isopropyl alcohol would do the opposite of adding slip?

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me too but he says it makes it slipperier…go figure

Here is the SDS. If you look under ingredients you will notice two listed at about 5 percent each. These are isopropanol (alcohol), and ethylyne glycol monobutyl ether. Neither are too healthy. But the second one is NOT sold to rub on your skin and has been known to do nasty stuff. But the two together likely are what gives the product its wonderful cleaning properties.

Now you know what also has a couple of nastys in it?. SES and SLES. Which when they are made have a certain amount of dioxane left over. This is a real nasty nasty. But there isn’t up to 5% in a bottle. Won’t necessarily strip your neighbors cat of all its hair then leave it dead on their doorstep. But still not a good thing. I still use it everyday. But no I won’t say it. Don’t have to.



You know guys and girls. I have looked at Super Soaps, other organics, crazy teflon surfs, and anything else my demented mind can imagine. But I keep on coming back to that disgusting crystal blue bottle. Up my nose and in the toilet those molecules go. Still working on an ultra plant based organic totally bio product without dioxane that doesn’t leave a film and gives me enough slip and sudz. Problem is they are out there. Just in other countries. I don’t want to go globe trottin. But I guess I am going to have to. It will be sold by a big distributor when I finally do. And it will be cheap. Just really really don’t want to go to China.

K. No soap wars !!!



On his suggestion I’ve tried it several times but didn’t notice any difference. Perhaps i didn’t get the proportions right.

We’ve talked about sprayway, it’s just like zep foam cleaner, on another forum and most of the guys agree that 50/50 is just as good. That’s 50% distilled water and 50% isopropyl alcohol. Not sure what squeegeeing 50/50 would be like but buffing it with a towel is grand.


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i’ve tried it too and it only works sometimes. i think it works better in lower temps

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I’m a big fan of water being in the mixture. Nothing beats the scrubbing power of H2o


I topped off a bottle of ecover that was 2/3’s full with 97% iso. So basically 2:1 ecover to iso. The slip is dramatically increased, in my experience. But suds are also increased. Practically no hang time on the glass in hot weather. But beautiful slip when it’s wet.

I keep clear water in my bucket and add the soap directly to the applicator, PnB style. I’ll swish the applicator around in the bucket when it starts to get groady, and gradually add less soap each time as the bucket starts to suds up.


I made a video about this a while ago with a great solution. Here you go,

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shot glass of zep floor stripper for outside use only-watch that rubber glide!

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Is that a trick of the trade from back in the day? :sunglasses:

“Ol school window cleaning.”

Yes we used to use md stetson or spectra wax! Just kills filth in the city on bottom 2 floors or nicotine inside back when smoking was legal!!

Bob Lang
L.A Window Cleaning LLC

If you work in downtown cities this cuts any dirt –we also use simple green nowadays now as harsh on hands and environment…also stripper dries white if youre aren’t real good it shows all errors

Description: la_window_cleaning

Bob Lang

Managing Owner, L.A. Window Cleaning,LLC

P.O. Box 234

Holbrook,Ma. 02343

781-344-2212: OFFICE

877-234-7722: TOLL FREE

781-344-5486: FAX

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Hey Bob just to let you know that posting all your business information here doesn’t do anything for your seo.


Sorry all my email replies include my email signature unless there is a way on this to post inline to avoid? My seo does very well dont need to pump it up here

Bob Lang
L.A Window Cleaning LLC

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