The Customer Factor question

Im trying out the customer factor. Today is my first day. I got into the back end of it and my computer will barely run the program. I have a newer Apple Macbook Pro. I thought maybe something was wrong with my computer but its literally running every other program perfect. When I click on a spot to type in a name it take 5-10 seconds before it allows me to type.

Is anyone else having an issue like this? Is this just how it works or is the system not working correctly today? Give me opinions.

I just got off of it now and it was running fine. CF has an upgrade in the works so it might have just been something going on at CF itself


TCF is a web based system, it’s not related to any program running on your pc/mac other than your web browser for example chrome or firefox.

So check other web pages first… if they are ok, then it’s likely to be an issue with TCF (which doesn;t happen very often) and it’s likely to be where the system is being updated.

If other web pages are slow it could be your pc/mac your ISP or routing issues.

TCF was down for a limited time on Sunday morning (UK time) over the weekend however…

Usually i notice it does take a few seconds for it to allow me to input names etc in the boxes in the data base… ive just always thought it was a routing issue to the uk causing delays.

If you have any doubts… contact steve direct… he’s pretty quick. (ive been bugging him silly over the last few days…lol)

Yea what he said… I was just on it with my phone and it’s running as fast as normal might have been the your internet acting up.

Has there been any updates to this service?
Accepting credit cards?
Mobile app?

Sent from my iPad using Window Cleaning Resource


Run CF in FireFox. It will run smoother.