Thinking about getting a tablet

Nexus 7

Nexus [B][I]5[/I][/B] + iPad mini w/retina= [B]BAAAALLIN’![/B]

ipad mini

… Why an iPhone over a tablet.?

I think i might actually use my i pad mini more then i use my phone…

Mini is an amazing product

iPad or iPad mini. I owned an iPad first followed by an iPhone 5. I must say I only tolerate my experience using the iPhone but simply love the iPad experience. Screen size + functionality= awesome. I have many duplicate apps on both devices but there is no comparison.

iPad mini for me. Perfect size wise. Glad i finally got one in August.

I bite when they flush out the remaining tech of the last release.

I don’t care if it’s not the newest one. I don’t pay the price for bleeding edge.
Always wait till it’s close. To the next release of the newest. To grab the closest tech @ a great deal.

iPhone 5 plus iPad mini Out the door @ $389 for both…

I have had a iPhone2 for along time. Still use it for tunes only. As it came off my belt last year. And dropped from the second story.
Flat on the concrete. Thought it was toast but alas i can still get in to tunes. Button won’t work. But it turns on and still works.
Had a Samsung nothing but problems with it. I am back with a iPhone and life is wonderful :slight_smile: