Time or Quality Experience

I hear this phrase a lot , “I’ve got 25 years under my belt” "I’ve been cleaning windows for 18 years " ect. Now what if your 25,18 years of experience was all wrong. Now I’m sure that person would have some tips and tricks to share but what if in those 25 or whatever years you just sucked ,slow , horrible technique. Does that automatically make you a grandmaster of window cleaning ? I think it’s silly when folks in any trade try to reason their skill level or knowledge in business with time in their industry, it simply doesn’t work. If you were a bucket Bob for 25 years under charging , scratching glass but have maintained and this guy over here is amazing at his job and grew a successful company in 3 then who has more quality info to share ? Guess the "I’ve been doing this forever " Trump card to me is worthless. The proof is in the pudding.


I’ve been using pudding wrong for over 30 years! :dizzy_face:


Yea same here.
Hows the view up there?

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My opinion is of you really suck that bad you won’t be around for 25 years.

Most of the “sucky” window cleaners I’ve come across have came and went.

No offense Luke, but this a ‘drop your pants and take a measurement’ kind of argument.

In the end, when cares? Are you comfortable with what you do? Are you satisfied with what you make? That’s all that matters. Who really gives a flying fart about what others are telling others about themselves?


If you’re not learning new things and developing your skills as window cleaner every year what you really have is “one year of experience 25 years in a row.” LOL


I guess any window cleaner that I know that has worked for 10-plus years is a pretty efficient and detailed window cleaner and reputable. Even the ones that aren’t business owners and are employees are very responsible, hard working with a good work ethic. Even within their lifestyle to maintain a good income and quality of living with savings.

Hacks and bucket bobs even after doing it for many years just don’t accumulate anything and have zero to show.

My opinion is if you’ve been doing something for so long and you don’t live a comfortable lifestyle you’re not good at what you’ve been doing. Doesn’t mean you need to be rich or wealthy just own a home possibly support a family just not live check the check


Unless of course you get divorced. That’s a huge game changer. :sunglasses:

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Well that’s probably a whole new issue.

I still stand with my original thinking though.

What made you want to write this @Luke. I don’t know you at all but it seems a little out of character. You’re always so positive.

No not really…there are a ton of guys on here , fb groups YouTube hell even met one on our route from a very popular yt vid in person the other day. Everybody loves running to " I’ve been doing this for blah blah blah". Just seems like a worthless reply when trying to explain your skill level is all.

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Thanks ! I see other guys knock others all the time with that reply and I’m simply stating that perhaps the guy with a million years of experience sucks. Idk just because you have been doing it for so many years dosent mean you’re better or honestly any good. Truth hurts sometimes.


True , but knocking a new guy on a video ,trying to end some silly window cleaning argument or explaining your skill level with how many years you’ve been cleaning windows is imo worthless.


I guess this is true in a lot of professions…time on doesn’t necessarily make you better at what ever you do.

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Thank you ! And that’s my point , but in this community it’s a go to ! It makes no since :sunglasses:

Yea, the same whether your a Lifeguard or a Chicken Plucker or a Senator - doesn’t matter. Years of doing something doesn’t always equate to being good at it. :-/


Trust me Luke, I agree with your assessment. But who cares? When we meet or hear from guys like that, just smile and wave! I just don’t get spun up on it. I tell myself that that might be what they need to feel a little better about themselves. Let them have the moment or the argument. Let no man interrupt your own good vibes.

I’m not dismissive of you thoughts, but I was raised by hippies. The ‘contact’ of my youth may have mellowed me a bit.


Thanks for changing the typo @Luke I was about to start complaining about how sucky it was. Lol

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long time ago met a man who had been cleaning a restaurant for nearly 40 years. He was charging the same price as he did back then. So kudo’s for him for making it a career and paying his home off, but I wouldn’t listen to him about pricing.


I agree with you Luke.

When people call looking for work and they tell me how many hundreds of years experience they have what my little brain hears is completely different all I heard them say was “I need someone to give me money so I can tell you how I’m going to do things so please, hire me and enjoy your next headache”.

Its the same attitude that even I sometimes display when thinking I know it all and not listening to reason or checking the facts.

Next time you hear it, try and stay humble (a skill I’m still learning) so we don’t end up like that.

(Not implying you aren’t)