Tips to Gain Clients?

Hey everyone,

I’m brand new to this industry but I love cleaning windows! I have a full time office job and I started my LLC as a part time gig.

I’m looking to start small with store fronts to practice my craft and eventually expand into RES.

What are your best tips/strategies to gain my first client?

I’ve created flat rate pricing per window pane depending on size. I do not want to be cheap and ruin the market in my area and also value my time since I am part time.

My business cards, website, and estimates are very professional - I have a graphic design background.

I’d love to hear your pitches!

TLDR: I have the business side of things down but need to find a way to gain store front clients.


I do mainly res but I think some of the tips will translate.

  1. Ads - surprisingly for me Google ads and facebook ads work very well. Google seems to get me higher quality leads.

  2. Word of mouth - Talk to everyone that will listen about how you’re cleaning windows and you’ll get a few jobs for that.

  3. Knock on Door - An Obvious tip but if you need a place to start now this is a great option.

Just walk in and say “hi, who do I talk to about cleaning your windows?”


  1. Have a minimum. $15-20 whatever. If they have a window and a door that’s the minimum price.

  2. Look for the offices off of the main street. Offices are great money and easy to get into. $100 offices can be quicker and easier to clean than most storefronts.

  3. Try to push 2 or 4 week cleans (not monthly). Those are easy to schedule.